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Posts posted by kat7475

  1. Hi,

    Wasn't sure where to really put this as its a bit more of a "bug report" than asking for support. I have been working to get the Focus 3 and a project ready for an upcoming release over the past week. As I was testing my project on the headset (standalone, not tethered) I encountered consistent crashing after completing specific actions in the project. The issues were hard to debug but I eventually figured out that it was a "Play Haptic Feedback" node which was causing the crash. 

    I have primarily worked with the Quest 2 in the past, an had not experienced any crashes like this with that headset. 

    I'm not sure if this issue with the crashing is hardware or software related, or if its more to do with how Unreal Engine (5.2 in this case) is handling it. When tethered and running from a PC, the issues do not occur. 

    I just wanted to add this information here to provide awareness for any HTC employees as its an issue that doesn't seem provide any kind of debug logs. It seems like the haptics need some sort of clamp value so the crash doesn't happen? Again, I'm not super sure what exactly is handling it, whether its Unreal or hardware but hopefully this helps others in future! 


    Kat 🙂

  2. Out of curiosity, I made a new VR template from scratch to see if it was working (the one I had before, may have had an old version of the ViveOpenXR plugin) and after adding the plugin and inputs, it seems to be working 🥳 Not sure what the difference was other than it potentially that I had played with too many settings and something was set weirdly? Will look into it and post a reply if I find what the issue was.

  3. Hi, 

    I've been really struggling getting the inputs working for my project. I've gone back to the basics and started with the VR Template project using UE 5.2. 

    I know the enhanced inputs and mappings work perfectly as they should from the Vive sample project: https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/unreal/unreal-download/latest/

    • I have run this project in editor;
      • ViveOpenXR plugin is enabled and all other plugins like oculus are disabled etc.
      • SteamVR(2.4.3) has been set to the current OpenXR runtime to use. Is running and shows the headset is connected. 
      • Vive Business Streaming(1.14.8BETA) is running and shows the headset is connected 
      • Can run in editor and use controllers to set off the IA nodes (which I have set to print a string to show its working and sending an output) 


    That project works completely fine which is great. It also builds to an OBB and can be installed and works perfectly fine in standalone as well! 

    Moving to the VRTemplate project is where my issues begin. 

    Same as the previous project, I have;

    • Got both SteamVR and VBS running
    • Plugins are correct and same as they are in the vive project 
    • Inputs have been added to each of the mappings (specifically the focus 3 inputs)
    • Have ensured that the context mappings have been added correctly on begin play in the VR Pawn. 

    When I attempt to play in editor, there is no input coming from the controllers what so ever. Same as the picture above, I added print strings to the IA node but nothing prints.

    Weirdest thing is that if we build the VRTemplate project to android, the inputs seem to work perfectly fine with no issue. I just cant seem to get the inputs working in editor. 

    1. I have been through all the project settings to see if there are any massive differences and there arent any that I can see. 
    2. I have migrated the mappings from the Vive project and replaced the context mapping with those instead
    3. I have copied bits from the various BPs that exist in the vive project etc. 

    Any help? I'm guessing I'm missing a setting or something? 

  4. Hi @Tony PH Lin

    Thanks for getting back to us about the issue. I am also happy to wait for the update to release however I am also happy to test the current ROM you have in testing. All I'm really looking to do for now is make sure I can build to the Focus 3 with Unreal engine 5.2 as it is needed for a product line I am working on. 

    If the new update should fix this issue however, that's all I really need to know for now! 


  5. Hi,

    I have recently been tasked with testing the newly released VIVEOpenXR for building a standalone game in UE5.2. Unfortunately, I have come up against a few issues. 

    Link to the sample project and plugin: https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/openxr-2in1-plugin/unreal/download/latest/

    I have followed the VIVE installation guide: https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/openxr-2in1-plugin/unreal/tutorials/viveppenxrplugininstallation/

    I can build completely fine, as well as load the build onto the headset. The issue I am having is when I run the game on the headset. It crashes on start up. It loads but stays black then immediately takes me back to the home screen on the headset. 

    I have tried my own project, the sample project given by VIVE for this plugin specifically as well as Unreal Engines VR template project. Oculus works perfectly fine, its just VIVE im having the issue with. 

    I can play perfectly fine in editor (with vive connected) when I press "VR Preview", interactions work etc, but if I try to play in the standalone application mode, it practically freezes and sends my CPU to 100% usage. 

    The errors I get after looking at the logs are as follows: 

    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: ((Result) >= 0)  [File:./../Plugins/Runtime/OpenXR/Source/OpenXRInput/Private/OpenXRInput.cpp] [Line: 455] 
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: OpenXR call failed with result XR_ERROR_PATH_UNSUPPORTED
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: Stack: 
    then followed by another error output in the same log

    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: ((Result) >= 0)  [File:./../Plugins/Runtime/OpenXR/Source/OpenXRHMD/Private/OpenXRHMD.cpp] [Line: 3357] 
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: OpenXR call failed with result XR_ERROR_LAYER_INVALID
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: Stack: 
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649CAAB54 libUnreal.so(0x000000000AFD8B54)!FOpenXRHMD::OnFinishRendering_RHIThread()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649CB3C10 libUnreal.so(0x000000000AFE1C10)!FOpenXRRenderBridge::Present(int&)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764C45EA78 libUnreal.so(0x000000000D78CA78)!FVulkanViewport::Present(FVulkanCommandListContext*, FVulkanCmdBuffer*, FVulkanQueue*, FVulkanQueue*, bool)  []

    The next thing I tried was removing the Oculus packaging settings for the Oculus devices. This got me a little further, the build no longer crashed on start up but instead would start in the level, each eye was backwards and upside down, no movement and to get back to the headset menu, I had to hold the button down for around 20 seconds. 

    The log for that run showed no issues other than this:

    [  0]LogHMD: OpenXRHMDModule: vr.DisableOpenXROnAndroidWithoutOculus is true and this project is not packaged for Oculus Mobile Devices.  Disabling OpenXR.
    I've looked through the .ini files of the project and the engine but couldn't find anything there regarding oculus or openxr.
    I found where that log is printing from: 

    C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.2\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\OpenXR\Source\OpenXRHMD\Private

    I've also tried launching to the headset, same things occurring.

    Not sure what to try from here to get this working. Not sure if its just settings or something else.

    Thanks for any help in advance, I have also made a post on the Unreal Engine forums 🙂

  6. Hi, I am also having this issue in UE5.2 where I have built to android for the Vive Focus 3 and the crash happens on startup, reporting the same issues. I too followed the installation guide for the plugin. I have tried building and launching in not only the sample project but also Unreal Engines VR Template project. I can only assume its a setting somewhere but short of trying everything in the engine I was hoping to find a solution here or on the Epic forums but nothing yet. 

    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: ===
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: 
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: ((Result) >= 0)  [File:./../Plugins/Runtime/OpenXR/Source/OpenXRInput/Private/OpenXRInput.cpp] [Line: 455] 
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: OpenXR call failed with result XR_ERROR_PATH_UNSUPPORTED
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: Stack: 
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649CDA358 libUnreal.so(0x000000000B008358)!FOpenXRInputPlugin::FOpenXRInput::BuildActions(XrSession_T*)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649CDCC70 libUnreal.so(0x000000000B00AC70)!FOpenXRInputPlugin::FOpenXRInput::OnBeginSession()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649C97A08 libUnreal.so(0x000000000AFC5A08)!FOpenXRHMD::StartSession()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649CA980C libUnreal.so(0x000000000AFD780C)!FOpenXRHMD::OnStartGameFrame(FWorldContext&)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007651A265F8 libUnreal.so(0x0000000012D545F8)!UWorld::Tick(ELevelTick, float)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007651740F70 libUnreal.so(0x0000000012A6EF70)!UGameEngine::Tick(float, bool)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649C505CC libUnreal.so(0x000000000AF7E5CC)!FEngineLoop::Tick()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649C48F44 libUnreal.so(0x000000000AF76F44)!AndroidMain(android_app*)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649C574B8 libUnreal.so(0x000000000AF854B8)!android_main()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649C8D2B8 libUnreal.so(0x000000000AFBB2B8)![Unknown]()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007744CE98A4 libc.so(0x00000000000E68A4)![Unknown]()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007744C87B70 libc.so(0x0000000000084B70)![Unknown]()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:261][  0]LogOutputDevice: Error: 

    and then slightly later its followed by 

    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: ===
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: 
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: ((Result) >= 0)  [File:./../Plugins/Runtime/OpenXR/Source/OpenXRHMD/Private/OpenXRHMD.cpp] [Line: 3357] 
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: OpenXR call failed with result XR_ERROR_LAYER_INVALID
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: Stack: 
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649CAAB54 libUnreal.so(0x000000000AFD8B54)!FOpenXRHMD::OnFinishRendering_RHIThread()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007649CB3C10 libUnreal.so(0x000000000AFE1C10)!FOpenXRRenderBridge::Present(int&)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764C45EA78 libUnreal.so(0x000000000D78CA78)!FVulkanViewport::Present(FVulkanCommandListContext*, FVulkanCmdBuffer*, FVulkanQueue*, FVulkanQueue*, bool)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764C416470 libUnreal.so(0x000000000D744470)!FVulkanCommandListContext::RHIEndDrawingViewport(FRHIViewport*, bool, bool)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764DF6B90C libUnreal.so(0x000000000F29990C)!FRHICommand<FRHICommandEndDrawingViewport, FRHICommandEndDrawingViewportString2071>::ExecuteAndDestruct(FRHICommandListBase&, FRHICommandListDebugContext&)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764DF20A38 libUnreal.so(0x000000000F24EA38)!FRHICommandListBase::Execute(TRHIPipelineArray<IRHIComputeContext*>&, FRHICommandListBase::FPersistentState::FGPUStats*)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764DF23170 libUnreal.so(0x000000000F251170)!FRHICommandListImmediate::ExecuteAndReset()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764DF29828 libUnreal.so(0x000000000F257828)!FRHICommandListImmediate::EndDrawingViewport(FRHIViewport*, bool, bool)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000765065E1F0 libUnreal.so(0x000000001198C1F0)!FSlateRHIRenderer::DrawWindow_RenderThread(FRHICommandListImmediate&, FViewportInfo&, FSlateWindowElementList&, FSlateDrawWindowCommandParams const&)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007650698630 libUnreal.so(0x00000000119C6630)![Unknown]()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764C4CC708 libUnreal.so(0x000000000D7FA708)!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread(int, bool)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764C4CAB34 libUnreal.so(0x000000000D7F8B34)!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit(int)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764C4C9B78 libUnreal.so(0x000000000D7F7B78)!FTaskGraphCompatibilityImplementation::ProcessThreadUntilRequestReturn(ENamedThreads::Type)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764E078668 libUnreal.so(0x000000000F3A6668)!RenderingThreadMain(FEvent*)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764E08ED18 libUnreal.so(0x000000000F3BCD18)!FRenderingThread::Run()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764C65EEC4 libUnreal.so(0x000000000D98CEC4)!FRunnableThreadPThread::Run()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000764C4C5F54 libUnreal.so(0x000000000D7F3F54)!FRunnableThreadPThread::_ThreadProc(void*)  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007744CE98A4 libc.so(0x00000000000E68A4)![Unknown]()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007744C87B70 libc.so(0x0000000000084B70)![Unknown]()  []
    [2023.08.22-12.48.33:558][  3]LogOutputDevice: Error:


    From various other posts about how Vive works and it seems like it might be to do with some sort of Stereo layer not supported? But this is kinda a guess. Oculus works completely fine with the OpenXR plugin.

    I guess the plugin is fairly new but I feel like I have read that people are able to build a game that doesnt crash so I dont know where I am going wrong. 

    Thanks in advance for any help given. Might make a new post about this as well to report the issue 🙂

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