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  1. Is it possible to create this interaction method in vive focus 3 with htc wave (or) open xr? If yes please guide me, thank you
  2. OMG! Thank you @Alex_HTC. I was able to get the hands working in XRI Unity. Like you said the hand poses and gestures are not working. But Im able to use ahnd gestures work okay with just Wave without including OpenXR. I have been tinkering with hand poses and gaze interaction. Do you have any suggestions on sample projects around gaze interaction? Also greatly appreciate for taking the time and helping me out.
  3. is there any other sample scenes provided by vive where i can test out ray interactors with hand gestures and gaze interaction? @Alex_HTC
  4. Thank you for getting back to me. Appreciate it. 1. Can you please elaborate on adding a profile to the interaction profile? 2. What do you mean by correct openXR extension? Im using the one thats preloaded when i create a new VR unity file @Alex_HTC
  5. I have setup the following packages: 1. Open XR 2. Wave Open XR Plugin 3. XR Hands 4. XR Interaction toolkit I havent made any changes to the hands demo provided by unity's interaction toolkit. I try to run as it is. I dont get any consoles errors that interrupts the build. In VR, I see my hands and im able to perform all poke interactions, but ray interactions or direct manipulation doesnt work. Im not sure whats wrong. Will highly appreciate any help here. Been toying with this for days now.
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