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  1. Hi @Johnson_Wu, thank you for your reply. I've tried all of that before and it didn't work, as I mentioned in my first post. I don't know how but it's working now. I reinstalled Unreal 4.27, bought a new router, created new project and migrated all of my files there, and reset the Focus 3. Now I'm facing another problem, somehow my controller is only detected as 3 DoF in Unreal Preview. But it's working properly as a 6 DoF if I packaged the game. It's possible to get the controller position data using Get Device Pose node, but then I need to rewrite my codes to incorporate that node just so I can test the game in VR Preview mode. Is there any way to force the controller to be 6 DoF in preview mode? I'm just using Unreal's VR template.
  2. Update: the preview render both eye if I enabled Android Preview Rendering Level, but the view is not synchronized Left eye is really distorted while the right eye is good
  3. Hi, I'm trying to develop for Focus 3 using WaveSDK and Unreal 4.27.2, everything works great if I packaged the app, but VR preview looks like the attached image. I've already followed the guide for Direct Preview, but it's only barely showing in the left eye with a lot of blur and chromatic aberration and controller tracking barely work. Which made development very slow because I need to package the app each time for testing. I've tried a blank project, and the sample project provided by vive. I've tried both enabling and disabling Instanced Stereo, Mobile Multi-view, Forward Shading, Vulkan I've tried changing the viewport resolution in editor preference. I've tried WaveSDK version 4.50, 5.3.2, and 5.4.0. None of it worked. Please help
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