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  1. Hi all, I have bought 3 vive focus 3 and 2 business pro + account and activated them. Now I want to do LBE and I found out online that I need 2 apps. One of them is VBC and when I tried to open it. It gives me this message (attached image). What should I do and how to solve it? Many thanks,
  2. Hi, I'm using UE5.3 and VBS 1.15.11c. I use Focus3 and package on Windows. What happened in VBS 1.15 is that hands are always located at the center of my playground, and I can NOT use steam UI to re-center the starting position. I do not use controller but my hand. When I try to open the steam UI using my left hand, the circle shows as if steam is going to open but nothing happens. @Infinit the picture you uploaded is not available now. Can you help me with what you did to solve your issue?
  3. Thank you Johnson, It is working now but SUPER laggy. I need to work on my optimization skills.
  4. Dear Devs, I wanted to use HTC Focus 3 on UE5.3 and I found out that there is no WaveSDK for that. Is there one coming soon? I decided to go back and use UE5.2 Following all documents, it works, and I was able to compile my project successfully, BUT whenever I wear the headset, it crashes immediately on me. Anyone can help me with this? GMaxOpenGLColorSamples >= (GLint)InDesc.NumSamples [File:./Runtime/OpenGLDrv/Private/OpenGLTexture.cpp] [Line: 295] libUnreal. so(0x0000000013EC10A8)! FOpenGLDynamicRHI: RHICreateTexture2DArrayFromResource(EPixelFormat, unsigned int, unsi [1 LI 0x000000780082EB70 libc. so(0x0000000000084870): Unknown 0x0000007A0800A504 libUnreal. so(0x0000000013EB7504) !FOpenGLTextureDesc: :FOpenGLTextureDesc(FRHITextureDesc const&) 0x0000007A080140A8 0x00000079FF120300 libUnreal. so(0x000000000AFD9300) ! Unknown 0x00000079FF1298FC libUnreal. so(0x000000000AFD68FC) !Wave: Render: : FWaveVRTexturePool:: CreateColorInPool(unsigned int) 0x00000079FF12971C libUnreal. so(0x000000000AFD671C) !Wave: Render:: FWaveVRTextureManager: :AllocateColorTexture(Wave: :Render:: FWaveVRRenderTe 0x00000079FF0F310C libUnreal. so(0x000000000AFA010C) !FWaveVRRender: AllocateRenderTargetTexture(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, un 0x0000007A07483470 libUnreal. so(0x0000000013330470) !FSceneViewport: :InitDynamicRHI() 0x0000007A032CE5E8 1ibUnreal. so(0x000000000F17B5E8) !FRenderResource: :InitResource() 0x0000007A03317FAC libUnreal. so(0x000000000F1C4FAC) ! [Unknown]( 0x0000007A016C154 libUnreal.so(0x000000000D56EB54) !FNamedTaskThread: :ProcessTasksNamedThread(int, bool) 0x0000007A016BFF80 libUnreal. so(0x000000000D56CF80) |FNamedTaskThread: :ProcessTasksUntilQuit(int) 0x0000007A016BEFC4 libUnreal.so(0x000000000D56BFC4) !FTaskGraphCompatibility|mplementation: ProcesshreadUntilRequestReturn(ENamedThreads: T 0x0000007A0327797C 1ibUnreal. so(0x000000000F12497C) [RenderingThreadlain(FEvent Cl 0x0000007A0328E5A8 libUnreal. so(0x000000000F13B5A8)! FRenderingThreadi: Rund) 0x0000007A01854340 LibUnreal. so(0x000000000D701340) | FRunnable hreadPThread:: Run@ 0x0000007A016BB3A0 1EbUnreal.so(0x00000000005683A0) ! FRunnableThreadPThread: : ThreadProc(void*) Note: It works on Quest 2 but a bit laggy. Thank you very much. Best regards,
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