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Everything posted by unityKing

  1. howdy! Based on the conducted tests under the specified conditions, it was observed that the frames appeared normal when only camera lighting was added to an empty scene without using URP. Consequently, the current issue is suggested to be unrelated to the conversion process. Given that the symptoms did not occur when URP was not utilized, it is believed that the problem may be attributed to a different cause. Further analysis of URP's characteristics, settings, and other environmental factors is deemed necessary to identify the root cause. If you could provide more detailed information or insights for developing a strategy to address the issue, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  2. We are currently developing with the Vive Pro 2 in Unity and have encountered FPS issues with different Unity versions. After conducting several tests, we have observed the following results: Case 1: Unity Version 2020.3.12f1 (URP) Frames per second (FPS): Normal Case 2: Unity Version 2022.3.5f1 (URP) FPS: Irregular or very low Case 3: Unity Version 2023.1.10f1 (URP) FPS: Irregular or very low We are reaching out to seek your expertise on understanding why such anomalies are occurring and to inquire about potential solutions. It seems that the issue is specifically tied to Unity versions 2022.3.5f1 and 2023.1.10f1, where the FPS becomes irregular or significantly decreases. If you could provide insights into the root cause of this behavior and suggest possible solutions, it would be greatly appreciated. Additionally, if there are any updates, patches, or best practices related to the Unity integration with Vive Pro 2, we would like to ensure that our development aligns with the recommended configurations. Thank you in advance for your assistance. We are looking forward to resolving this matter promptly to continue our development smoothly. Best regards,
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