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  1. After a ton of effort and investigation, I have solved this. In UE5.3.2, I needed to add an empty C++ class to turn the project into a C++ project. Once I did this, OpenXR gets included in the APK and I can launch in the Headset. This wasn't the case for UE5.1.1. I hope this helps.
  2. While working with VIVE_chengnay, it has been determined that the reason why my 3D applications are deploying as 2D applications and not running on my HTC Vive XR Elite headset is that OpenXR isn’t getting packaged/included in the application. I have the plugin enabled and if I disable it, UE barks at me. I have disabled/enabled it multiple times. Also, the kind folks at HTC pointed me to the AndroidManifest.xml file and we were able to verify that OpenXR was not being included. What a “valid” xml file contains: <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> <category android:name="org.khronos.openxr.intent.category.IMMERSIVE_HMD" /> <category android:name="com.oculus.intent.category.VR" /> -- this was a UE plugin that was disabled in this project </intent-filter> What my xml file contains: <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> Anyone have an idea what might be preventing OpenXR from getting put in my game? Maybe another software package that I have installed that could be blocking it, maybe? Thanks
  3. Does anyone have any ideas? I've been working on this issue for almost 3 weeks now. Support has been trying to assist. I've sent them my project and they can build and run it. I'm running Windows 11 and it appears that the Vive OpenXR plugin is not working because if I disable it in my project I experience the same issues. Has anyone used Windows 11, UE5.3.2 and the Vive OpenXR plugin on an XR Elite with any success? When I build: ATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Error [GENERAL | xrCreateInstance | OpenXR-Loader] : LoaderInstance::CreateInstance chained CreateInstance call failed UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): Error [GENERAL | xrCreateInstance | OpenXR-Loader] : xrCreateInstance failed Warning: Required extension XR_HTC_passthrough is not available Warning: Required extension XR_HTC_hand_interaction is not available Warning: Required extension XR_HTC_facial_tracking is not available Warning: Required extension XR_EXT_eye_gaze_interaction is not available Thanks!
  4. Project sent. I tried to launch the project to the headset through Unreal Engine. I saw the same 2D window in the headset and I received the following errors: I do have the OpenXR plugin enabled in the project and the ViveOpenXR plugin enabled.
  5. It does deploy and play in the HMD. It just doesn't track with the headset or track the controllers with the VR pawn. I probably need to do more work on the project to get the VR aspects working. I would really like to know how to get the UE 5.3 version of the VR Template working and deployed to the Vive XR Elite.
  6. I compared the project settings and modified the very few things that were different. Mainly packaging for Shipping vs Development. Still couldn't get the UE VR_Template to deploy to the headset correctly. I did notice that the ViveOpenXRGame sample packages with an extra file that starts with AFS_: Not sure what that is. I tried another approach, and that was to add the VR content from the UE VR_Template project to the ViveOpenXRGame sample. I could get that to build and deploy but have yet to get "VR" working. I've had this workflow working in UE 5.1 (on another computer though), but not in UE 5.3. There must be some incompatibility with the sample project and the Vive headset that I can't seem to find. If the "released" version of the Unreal Engine 5.3 ViveOpenXR plugin was tested against the Unreal Engine 5.3 example VR template project, I would really like to know if it worked and what the secret was to get it deployed. Anyway, I'm giving up for now and going to try something else. Thanks for the assist!
  7. Good morning. Yes, the ViveOpenXR plugin is enabled. I built and installed the ViveOpenXRGame sample and it worked. I'll compare my project settings with the example when I get home tonight. One thing I noticed on my initial comparison is that in the ViveOpenXRGame, the target seemed odd since the XR Elite is a version 10 operating system. Maybe I don't understand this setting. However, I changed my project to use this setting and that didn't work. Thanks for your assistance. I'll keep you posted.
  8. Thank you for the response! Same result. I've attached my install script in case that is helpful. Install_Default_5_3_2-arm64.bat
  9. I had them exactly like what you have in the above message. I'm sorry, but I just came into work and I'm not at that computer. I can send confirmation this evening. I did bring the .apk with me to work. Is there a way I can get it to you?
  10. Thank you for the response! Log file attached. My .apk is 410MB so it won't attach to this message. Is there another way? Thanks in advance! C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_5.3.zip
  11. Thanks for the response! I'm using the Vive OpenXR plugin and I've run through the steps on the Unreal documentation again. I'm wondering if my Android stuff isn't configured correctly. When I run SetupAndroid.bat I have never been prompted to accept the license agreement (I thought this was a MUST) and I also get the following warning: Warning: Errors during XML parse: Warning: Additionally, the fallback loader failed to parse the XML. Also, the headset is running Android 10 but I'm not sure exactly which versions of the SDK/NDK I should use in my projects for UE 5.3.
  12. Good day! I have been developing for the XR Elite on a work laptop (Windows 10) using UE 5.1. I have been able to establish a workflow and deploy my projects without issues. I'm now trying to do some development on a new computer (Windows 11) at home and I need to use UE5.3 because of a third party package I hope to use in the future. I want to make sure that my workflow on my new computer at home is configured correctly and I "think" I have followed all of the steps that I have found for developing Android apps with UE5.3. I wanted to use the UE VR Template as a baseline to test the computer configuration before going any further. I can build the VR Template. However, when I upload it to the headset, it installs as a 2D application and will not execute in the headset. It's probably something simple or an SDK/NDK incompatibility or something. I copied the UE5.1 project from my work computer to my home computer and compared the settings and plugins in between each project but I just can't find the differences. Any ideas of where to look? Thanks in advance!
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