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  1. I have been trying since a few days, but it is not working. I guess buttons interaction will be for later, since this is not the most important thing. I have another issue now, and it is that I can't retrieve scene meshes and/or scene planes 2D by using scene perception. I guess it is because the plugin isn't made for my kind of use. I am a bit stuck currently with that, I would like to retrieve world informations in order to place objects that interact with it.
  2. I have another question now, related to all of this : The function retrieving info about the controller does not work anymore. Is there an option, a package or someting I forgot to check ? A really basic thing : void Update() { if (ButtonFacade.YButtonPressed) { Debug.Log("Y Pressed"); passthroughHelper.ShowPassthroughUnderlay(!Interop.WVR_IsPassthroughOverlayVisible()); } } private static class ButtonFacade { public static bool YButtonPressed => WXRDevice.ButtonPress(WVR_DeviceType.WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Left, WVR_InputId.WVR_InputId_Alias1_Y); } I can't find in the documentation what to do to actually make it work
  3. Ok so I didn't know there was a difference between the two similar streaming applications "Vive Streaming Hub" and "VIVE Business Streaming". I followed the steps and it is working on the headset, thanks ! Unity doesn't display the AR view but I guess this is due to privacy purposes right ? As long as it works on the headset I am satisfied, thanks a lot !
  4. Not yet, never found this topic, I am trying it right now and I will tell you if it works ! Thanks
  5. Hello, I am currently using Vive Business Streaming + Steam VR to stream on the headset, but when I start the app with Unity, it shows a black (0,0,0,0) screen instead of activating passthrough. I don't have this problem when I build the apk and launch it directly with the headset
  6. Hello, I'm new to VIVE, and I'm developing on the VIVE XR Elite with the aim of doing AR. My application is very resource-intensive and I'd like to do the calculations on the PC and the display on the headset. For the moment I've found a solution where I do passthrough but only after I've built the project for android and push the apk to the headset. Unfortunately this isn't a satisfactory long-term solution for our team, and I'm looking for a way to simplify the development task. Is it possible to perform streamed AR? Thanks in advance !
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