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Standby and other problems ◕_◕


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I wanted to share with you my story about my standby problem.

One week and a half ago, I wanted to play some vr games again (especially Blade And Sorcery). At first it worked fine, then one morning when I wanted to play my game again the headset went to sleep in the middle of the game and SteamVr showed me a message like: "vive vr disconnected please quit steamvr". 

After several attempts (reboot my computer, unplug all cables, uninstall Vive and SteamVr, ... ). My headset kept going to standby after a few minutes of play and the same message from Steam was displayed. Being fed up with spending my time trying to fix it I went on this forum  

Then Vive started to show me this message ""Translation: The headset is not connected""  unknown.png 



Since I gave up and I'm addressing you.

Thank you for taking the time to read and thank you to those who will answer me.

Have a nice day


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