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HMD not working after app crash


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While using my setup, the app I was using crashed. I shut down all of the apps and restarted the computer. After the restart, the headset would not show anything gives a red light. Also, the lighthouses are not being recoginised. I went through the normal process of restarting everything again, removing and reinstalling all of the drivers and apps, bypassing the linkbox, changing the cables, and trying the setup on another computer (wife's desktop). The only time I got anything different is when I hooked up my heaset to my laptop  without the linkbox for testing purposes. It just showed the desktop. I'm thinking it might be the linkbox, but I'm not sure why I don't get anything when I take the linkbox out of the setup for testing. 


Also, I've emailed my issue to support almost a week ago, and I haven't even gotten a confirmation email. I've double and triple checked everything that I know of. I was having a blast with it, and now it's just a really expensive paperweight.

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Welcome to the community!


Can you give us a little more detail on your computer specs?  Which application were you using that initially crashed?


If you can also describe the status of your base stations (will they power on, what LED status are they showing, what channels are they showing).





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Windows 10 64 bit

MSI MS-7681 Motherboard with Intel i5-2500k 3.3ghz

16 gigs of RAM

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

The lighthouses are powered up fine, both have green lights. One reads C and the other B. Error code given is 108. All devices are greyed out in Steam VR. The app that crashed it was NoLimits 2 Rollercoaster Simulation Demo. 


If I refresh the Vive devices in the SteamVR settings, the only devices that light up are the hub, bluetooth, and main board.

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Also, when I uninstall all of the drivers and plug everything back in, it shows as tracking and displays the chaparone on the desktop headset mirror. There is no display in the headset. It functions in this way for about 10 seconds (while still having a red led on the HMD) then throws the headset not tracking error again, then the lighthouses grey out again.

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I'm thinking it may be a hardware issue at this point. I just formatted my HDD and reinstalled everything with a fresh copy of Windows 7. The exact same problem persists. 


I'd be thankful for an update to my situation.



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Try reseating all the 3-in-1 cable connectors. You can remove the panel on the top of the headset and reattach the HDMI and USB connections. If you're still gettting error 108, try running a different USB and HDMI cable from the headset to the linkbox and see if we can rule out the 3-in-1 cable.


-John C

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A list of things I've tried:

-Bypass the link box and hook up the HMD directly to the PC

-Change out the cables leading from the HMD to the link box

-Change out the cables from the link box to the PC

-Using changed out cables to hook the HMD directly to the PC

-Uninstalling Steam VR, Steam, and VIVE software and reinstalling

-Uninstalling all drivers and reinstalling

-Reformatting my hard drive and reinstalling the OS and all software

-Tried setup with both Windows 7 and Windows 10

-Installing all VR software on a different computer and trying the HMD on it


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