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Face Cushion Size Clarification


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I need to order some Face Cushions, and want to be certain that I order the one with the widest opening since I wear glasses.

The HTC Store shows both the Narrow and the Wide pictures, but does not state which is which.

To add further confusion, the Amazon site shows the Narrow cushion has the widest opening, and the Microsoft Store site shows the Wide cushion has the widest opening.

The confusion comes from whether the Wide and Narrow refers to the width of the cushion itself, or the width of the opening in the cushion.


Can someone please advise on the HTC Store Site which (Narrow or WIde) has the widest opening?




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If you look at the picture below, the smaller is the narrow, and the larger is the wide.  I wear glasses as well, and I find the narrow fits my face nicely, but the wide gives me a bit more wiggle room.HTC-vive-face-interface-3-e1459820031744-667x500.jpg

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 thank you very much for the reply, and the piictures.

Your pictures show a much different aspect of the Wide and Narrow.

The pictures on all the sites (HTC, Amazon, and Microsoft) depict that the width of the cushion itself is what is different.


Again, thanks, and I'll be ordering the Wide to better accomodate my glasses.



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