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Focus3 with TTS plug-in


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   Hello, we use focus3 to develop the VR project. We use unity2.19.4.14 to develop it. I want to integrate a TTS plug-in that can read text aloud. I tried RT Voice, but it has no effect after being released to focus3, but it works on ordinary Android phones and can read text normally. Can you tell me a TTS plug-in that can be used normally on focus3? Help! If this function cannot be realized, our project will fail !   SOS!     
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Hi @devilnotcryThanks for posting!

I suspect there might be a few issues that can get sorted out. The most probable solution is #1

1) Requesting use of the microphone on focus3 devices require that one uses the permissionManager https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/NativePermissionManager.html an example in unity (that requests other permissions) is here: https://github.com/hardcoded2/URP-Example/tree/sdcard 

the relevant script/line that would need to have android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO requested here instead of the permissions in this sample https://github.com/hardcoded2/URP-Example/blob/sdcard/Assets/SampleInit.cs#L60, which should show a native popup requesting access to the microphone. This is what firefoxreality/wolvic does (using the native sdk) the as a point of reference, so it should look roughly like what happens when you hit "create room" in the mozilla hubs site https://hubs.mozilla.com/, and it has a landing page where it explcitly asks for microphone permissions there.

If you don't see the native permissionsmanager dialog pop up when running the permissions manager code (which likely needs to happen before running any plugin that uses the microphone) then you would need to make sure that the permissions manager runs and successfully requests use of the microphone before running the plugin.

2) Are there logcat logs from running the app? This would confirm the permisisons issue more than likely, but sometimes there are other clues there
3) Was the android manifest also set up with requests for <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/> ?
4) Were there any other build errors/exceptions?

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