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Problems with vive tracker with four base stations in unity


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I have a project in unity 2019.4.37f1 with which I detect and visualize the position of 3 Vive trackers 2.0 and 2 Controller in a grid.
My problem is with the third Vive Tracker.
If I configure the room with two or three SteamVR Base Stations everything works perfectly but if I put four SteamVR Base Stations I can't capture the third tracker even though Steam says it's tracking.

The hardware configuration is:
1 VIVE Pro Eye
1 Live Link Box
3 Live trackers 2.0
4 x BlueTooth USB Dongle
4 StemaVR Base station 2.0
2 controllers

Any idea why I have this problem?
Thank you very much for the help.


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