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Cannot Launch Viveport


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I can't launch it from Vive because it will not successfully install. When I open Steam VR I get a dialog box that says:  

This is as far as I can get. I've had the online support people reinstall Vive and Steam several times, to no avail. This started happening after I did the Windows 10 creative update.

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Just wanted you to know that I found the problem this evening here in the forum. The issue is that when you uninstall the Vive software, there is a hidden file folder that doesn't get deleted that was causing the reinstall to not work properly. You have to go into C:\ProgramData (it' s a hidden file in Windows, so you have to make sure that you make hidden files visible), and rename or delete the HTC file folder. Then you can run a new install and Viveport works fine. If for any reason an uninstall is necessary, this is a step that will need to be performed as part of a troubleshoot.

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