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WaveVR Focus 3 Unity access external SD card


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We're able to access the external SD card on the Quest by adding:

  <application android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

This doesn't work for the Focus 3. I've tried placing an AndroidManifest file with these lines in Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml and in Assets/WaveVR/Platform/Android/Customize/AndroidManifest.xml (as shown here:)

But I still get an UnauthorizedAccessException.


This does work in UE4 builds for the Focus but we're targeting API level 28, so before requestLegacyExternalStorage was added.

Is there any way to get requestLegacyExternalStorage to work for the Focus? Or is there a different permission that can solve this issue?

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Hi @VIVE_chengnay

I 've follow your submit and try on XR Elite.

There're 2 problems.


In OpenBrush, I've allowed the permission for access. But when I try to Export the paint result. It always show fail.


I've followed your step, but still can't access the download folder. (I would like to play video file in download folder).


Please help me to fix the situation.

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After you launch your app, did you see the popup window asking for permission?

If yes, have you tried closing your app and try again?

Could you list the version of Wave SDK that you installed in your project?

Could you also provide your sample code on how you access the download folder?

And, did you add permission to your AndroidManifest.xml?

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8 hours ago, VIVE_chengnay said:


After you launch your app, did you see the popup window asking for permission?

If yes, have you tried closing your app and try again?

Could you list the version of Wave SDK that you installed in your project?

Could you also provide your sample code on how you access the download folder?

And, did you add permission to your AndroidManifest.xml?


Thanks for reply!

About the OpenBrush, I use the pre-install one on device.

I've got the permission and allow and tried relaunch the OpenBrush.

But the Lab function export still fail.


About my developing APP.

1. I use the latest Wave SDK 5.5.

2. I've added the permission to my AndroidManifest.xml.

3. After allowed the permission (It does show the popup window), I also try many times to relaunch the APP.

4. I use the Unity Asset AVPRO to play the mp4 video

Or try the basic C# File IO to File.Copy the mp4 file to my APP folder.

Both of the behavior are fail. It showed access fail. 

PS. I also try the File IO to check if the mp4 exist correctlly, the result is true. The file really exist.


Compare to normal Android APP (Pixel 4 with Android 13), after allowed the permission.

I could smoothly play the video from the download folder. 


Please help me to check the result.


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17 hours ago, JAMESJ said:

But the Lab function export still fail

For this issue, it is known issue and will be fixed in next release.

As for read/write permission to Download folder, I will double check again on my side and get back to you ASAP.

For the code that I previously shared, it is located in your app's files(/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/<packagename>/files) directory.

Sorry for the inconvenience.



Could you try adding
android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" in your AndroidManifest.xml?

I tried it and it is successfully writing file to /sdcard/Download folder.

<application android:icon="@drawable/app_icon"
             tools:replace="android:theme">  <!--You can use your theme here.-->


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