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We are currently not introducing Vive Business console functionality for LBE.


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Our company is located in Korea.

After the seminar held in November 2021 (vive focus 3 LBE function), we continue to request regional sales managers, but they say that they cannot help because HTC has not responded.
It's always the same answer for over a year.
What should we do?

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On 2/1/2023 at 3:03 PM, dudrock said:

Our company is located in Korea.

After the seminar held in November 2021 (vive focus 3 LBE function), we continue to request regional sales managers, but they say that they cannot help because HTC has not responded.
It's always the same answer for over a year.
What should we do?

can you email your inquire at vive_ct@htc.com.

let me find someone to help you 

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