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[VBS & PC VR ] How to identify lost tracking and tracking result status on OpenVR

Vivi Wu

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To identify if the device is lost tracking, the developer needs to use OpenVR API to get the device status. 
Also if you'd like to know whether your controller / wrist tracker is in 6Dof or 3Dof status, please follow the guidelines below and refer to OpenVR GitHub for more information. 


  • VIVE Business Streaming version : 1.10.5 or later.
  • Focus 3 – FOTA version : 5.0.999.676 or later

Check OpenVR API to get status

IVRSystem :

IVRCompositor :

  • IVRCompositor::GetLatestPoses (similar with WaitGetPoses)

Both API can get TrackedDevicePose_t of devices with parameter-“ETrackingResult”, which is the tracking status of device.

  • 6Dof = TrackingResult_Running_OK
  • 3Dof = TrackingResult_Fallback_RotationOnly

All of the APIs can get TrackedDevicePose_t which includes several parameters to identify the device tracking status.

  • bPoseIsValid
  • bDeviceIsConnected
  • eTrackingResult
    • TrackingResult_Running_OK: 6DoF
    • TrackingResult_Fallback_RotationOnly: 3DoF

Only the “bPoseIsValid” is true, “bDeviceIsConnected” is true and “eTrackingResult” is TrackingResult_Running_OK or TrackingResult_Fallback_RotationOnly means tracked. Otherwise, the device status should be lost tracking.


The index of each device:
To use the APIs, please use below device index for vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t or pose array to get target device pose data.






Right controller


Left controller


Right wrist tracker


Left wrist tracker

To access the target device and retrieve its status, please generate a large enough array and call the appropriate API. Use the index specified in the above table to obtain the status of the target device.

Sample code:

Sample 1:

vr::IVRSystem * pvr = vr::VR_Init(&eError, vr::VRApplication_Utility);

TrackedDevicePose_t result[5];

pvr->GetDeviceToAbsoluteTrackingPose(vr::TrackingUniverseStanding, 0, &result, 5);

result[1].eTrackingResult; // right controller tracking result

result[2].eTrackingResult; // left controller tracking result

result[3].eTrackingResult; // right wrist tracker tracking result

result[4].eTrackingResult; // left wrist tracker tracking result

Sample 2:

TrackedDevicePose_t result[5];

Vr::VRCompositor()->GetLatestPoses(result, 5, NULL, 0);

result[0].eTrackingResult; // HMD tracking result

result[1].eTrackingResult; // right controller tracking result

result[2].eTrackingResult; // left controller tracking result

result[3].eTrackingResult; // right wrist tracker tracking result

result[4].eTrackingResult; // left wrist tracker tracking result

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