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Passthrough Object Tracking


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Hi all,

I'm working on a commercial project at the moment looking to put a 'digital skin' onto training manikins for use in emergency response training utilising Passthrough. The idea is that the trainee is in their own environment and when they look at the manikin it has a digital skin overlayed. Our thought is that we will track the position of a manikin and it's arms/legs using either QR Codes or AprilTags.

We're around 6 months into the project and initially started development on the Quest Pro as it was the only affordable headset on the market that offered colour Passthrough, however we found both the hardware and Meta's support too restrictive to allow us to achieve what we want.

On looking for a solution we spoke to HTC about the capability of the new XR Elite headset and were assured that the headset has the capability to track QR Codes/AprilTags with Passthorugh. Using Unity, we've successfully managed to produce a project with a working Passthrough underlay, however we're struggling to see a solution to allow us to track images/qr/apriltags using Passthrough.

Is there an SDK or Plugin we can utilise to achieve this functionality? If not what options do we have to achieve the functionality we want?

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At the moment, we whitelist individual developers for this use case. We have no current announcements on opening this up at the moment.

I can say that as an individual I previously worked in the AR space, and I'm excited about the potential applications. Requests like this help us prioritize our work.

That said, shoot me an email and we'll get you in the process 🙂


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Alex,

I'm a student in Computer Science Engineering, and I'm currently working on an MR project using the vive XR elite. For this project, I will need object object tracking functionality, which is why I'm reaching out to inquire about the whitelisting process.

To proceed with the whitelisting process, could you provide your email address?

Best regards,


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