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With XR elite, virtual objects cause severe distortion in real world scenes when moving


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According to the official tutorial (Creating a MR World using Planar Passthrough), I tried to achieve mixed reality (MR) effects using VIVE XR Elite. However, I encountered some issues. The virtual objects (ex.controllers) cause severe distortion in the real-world scene when they are moved (as shown in the attached image,DemoVideo). I am using Unity version 2021.3.17, and the project itself does not have any error problems. Therefore, I am unsure how to resolve this issue. I have also included my APK file.


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This is a great question!

We introduced apis to better let developers decide which is more important for them - scale or alignment for their specific application. https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXRPassthrough.html#alignment While all of the modes will be getting better over time as we fine tune things, we want you to be able to make decisions that work for your app.


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