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VIVE Full Face Tracker for XR Elite - Eye Blend Shapes

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Hi everyone,

I've been trying out the face tracker for the XR Elite with OpenXR (https://registry.khronos.org/OpenXR/specs/1.0/html/xrspec.html#XR_HTC_facial_tracking).

I noticed that the blend shape weights for XR_EYE_EXPRESSION_LEFT_WIDE_HTC and XR_EYE_EXPRESSION_RIGHT_WIDE_HTC are always 0. The others seem to work fine. 

Does the eye tracker not support these two blend shapes?

On the official website for the tracker (https://business.vive.com/uk/product/vive-full-face-tracker/) it seems like the female example moves the eyebrows slightly.

I would be grateful for any insights!

Thank you and best,


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @VIVE_chengnay and thank you for your response.

Sorry for my late reply, I did not follow the post.

Does the hardware of the face tracker not support it, or is it just not connected in software? Would I have access to them if I used SRanipal?

On 4/12/2024 at 5:42 AM, VIVE_chengnay said:

Will this cause any problem during your development?

Yes. It would be extremely helpful to have them, as they add a lot more expressivity to the face. Without them some emotions are very hard to express.

Previous users seemed to get the blendshapes with v2 eye data from SRanipal:

Thank you and best,


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Hi @Klary,

SRanipal only works for Vive Pro Eye hardware.

11 hours ago, Klary said:

Does the hardware of the face tracker not support it, or is it just not connected in software?

I was told that those two values are not supported now.

I will check internally.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi @VIVE_chengnay,

I finally got around to testing things with the face tracker.

Unfortunately, everything but the right and left wide values worked.

I tested several example scenes provided with the VIVE Unity packages:

  • Unity Wave Plugin
    • I ran the "EyeExp" scene, which shows the values for each blendshape in VR. All blendshapes worked with the exception of the left and right wide values.
  • VIVE Eye and Facial Tracking SDK
    • I ran the "EyeSample_v2" scene. Same results, left and wide values not working. The rest worked fine.
  • VIVE Open XR
    • "FaceModel" scene. Same results.

Because the left and right wide eye values are consistently 0, I wonder if the XRElite does not provide this information at all?

Thank you and best,


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Hi again,

On 4/12/2024 at 5:42 AM, VIVE_chengnay said:

Currently, these two values are not supported.

To clarify this based on a post I read on the VRCFaceTracking Discord server: These values seem to be disabled on the hardware side. So I can do nothing on the software side to make it work.

Any news of when they will be enabled?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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