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After Focus 3 Software upgrade, app icon/image is no longer displayed on VIVE popup menu


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Hi! After upgrading to VIVE Focus 3 Software 6.0.999.960 (not sure from exactly which version, but at least 5.0.999.646), our Unity-based native VR app no longer has its app-specific icon/image displayed on the (in-app) popup "VIVE Menu" (which appears when pressing the VIVE button on the right controller). Instead, there seems to be just some generic background image which is not associated with our app.

How can we get our app-specific image to show up in the VIVE menu again?

(For reference, the menu I'm mentioning is shown on this page: https://www.vive.com/ca/support/focus3/category_howto/launching-and-closing-vr-title.html)


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Hi @GoranW,

One more info. to let you know the recent change were to add the background (previous was black), and also the recent apps you used to show on the right-hand side. So basically your app icons shouldn't be impacted or changed.

Please keep us posted when you check the suggestion from ChengNan, thanks.

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Thank you for your replies!

@VIVE_chengnay I tried setting up the Default Icon and also the "top shelf" (max resolution) of the 3 Android icon types (Adaptive, Round, Legacy). Still no image shown, other than this generic (?) background (see attached screenshot).

@Tony PH Lin Are you referring to the background in the attached screenshot from the VIVE menu? I could see our app (but still without an app-specific image) in the "Recent apps" on the right-hand side, while inside another app (and other apps show their specific images in the VIVE menu).

Is there any specific Unity version required for this to work? (We're on a slightly old version, 2021.3.11f1.)

Could you provide a minimal working example of a Unity project which sets the VIVE menu image correctly for the updated Focus 3?



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Hi @GoranW,

What image did you see in Library for your app?

Unity 2021.3.11f1 should be fine.

What about you test with a new project and don't set any Default icon?

It should display Unity icon instead.

Or could you try deleting the Library folder and recompile again?

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Posted (edited)

@VIVE_chengnay In the Library, I see a full-size icon (of our own design) for our app - we are using VIVE DMS to install our corporate content, so that icon is downloaded from there (I'm currently updating the app directly from Unity via Build and Run, though).

I could try a new "dummy" project, but then it would not be installed via DMS but just directly from Unity (so it would have a smaller size icon in the Library)...

Edited by GoranW
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BTW, some of the "stock" apps have not just an icon on the VIVE menu, instead they have more like a larger "splash" image - so how can we setup that?

An example project for these details would be appreciated, or a written specification on exactly which files are needed and in which manifests / folders etc in the APK...

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By "stock" apps I mean pre-installed or VIVE-provided, like VIVE Browser, VIVE Business Streaming, VIVE Sync...

They seem to use not just an icon but a larger image for the VIVE popup menu. (Or is this the "background" that was referred to?)
ither way, how do I set these, and where are they located in manifest file(s) / APK contents?


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Hi @GoranW,

For your first addressed issue, we have repro. and clarified it's our logic control error not to show your app icon correctly.

The solution is under verifying, and we will let you know the schedule on next FOTA release update.


And for the second question, the icon effects are manually designed for "Stock apps" you mentioned so it's not designed for developer usage.


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