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Am I able to get a refund?

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I am in a situation where I just have my Ultimate trackers sitting in my room collecting dust because I am just unable to use them. The hardware is great, but the software is understandably annoying. Now I have seen all the warning signs and thought it should be no big deal, but every time I want to use them I have to remap which takes a way to long to get a perfect map and after a 8 to 9 hour shift I am killed and already hit my peak with how much I can tollerate, and then after some times the trackers just fail and sometimes don't recalbrate correctly. I now regret and now know I should have bought 3.0s and want to buy them but with next month being quite a busy months with trips and what not I don't want to blow another 7 to 800 dollar perchase. I'm not sure what to do. If I can't refund I'll probably still end up buying 3.0s but it would be nice to have the money back from the ultimates to go towards the 3.0s. But I might as well ask and see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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