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Unity Crash with Vive Streamin Hub installed


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hey people!

i asked support but they send me here.


we have issues with unity crashing when leaving play mode when the vive streaming hub is installed on the pc as well.

unity version is 2021.3.31f1 and vive streaming hub was the newest in beta (for the unlimited trackers).

crash seemed to be caused by some thing with openXR:

"openxrfeature enabled cannot be changed while openxr is running"


after deinstalling vive streaming hub everything works as normal again, so no clue whats the problem behind it. does anybody have a idea or fix?

changing unity versions is not really a solution, but we want to integrate the new trackers into the project


thanks in advance!

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Hi @Tibor,

Could you provide some screenshots to clarify your questions?

Maybe screenshots regarding your current setup environment(Settings, Plugins's version) will be helpful too.

I am not quite sure what do you mean by below statement.

Is it error message show in console?

18 hours ago, Tibor said:

"openxrfeature enabled cannot be changed while openxr is running"


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @VIVE_chengnay


i got the crash logs, is that helping you? if got other questions let me know!


[XR] [OpenVR] Loaded settings: 
	Editor App Name : [Testing] ImmersiveDeck
[XR] 	Editor App Key : application.generated.unity.immersivedeck.1658489344.exe
[XR] 	Action Manifest Path : (null)
[XR] 	Stereo Rendering Mode : Single Pass Instanced
[XR] 	Initialization Type : Scene
[XR] 	Mirror View Mode : Right Eye
[Subsystems] Loading plugin XRSDKOpenVR for subsystem OpenVR Display...
[XR] [OpenVR] Starting Initialize
[XR] [OpenVR] startupInfo: { 
	"app_key": "application.generated.unity.immersivedeck.1658489344.exe",
	"app_name": "[Testing] ImmersiveDeck"
[XR] [OpenVR] [ERROR] VR_Init initError: VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFound
[XR] [OpenVR] XR OpenVR Display Shutdown
[XR] [OpenVR] Shutdown
<b>[OpenVR]</b> Could not initialize OpenVR. Error code: Init_HmdNotFound
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object)
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Unity.XR.OpenVR.OpenVRLoader:Initialize () (at Packages/com.valvesoftware.unity.openvr-1.2.1/Runtime/OpenVRLoader.cs:195)
UnityEngine.XR.Management.XRManagerSettings:InitializeLoaderSync () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.xr.management@4.3.3/Runtime/XRManagerSettings.cs:190)
ImmersiveDeck.Common.NetworkReadyHandler:InvokeNetworkReadySubscriberFirstCallbackBatch (ImmersiveDeck.Common.INetworkReadySubscriber) (at Assets/ImmersiveDeck/Scripts/Common/MonoBehaviours/NetworkReadyHandling/NetworkReadyHandler.cs:178)
ImmersiveDeck.Utilities.StaticCoroutine/<FrameDelayedCoroutine>d__18`1<ImmersiveDeck.Common.INetworkReadySubscriber>:MoveNext () (at Assets/ImmersiveDeck/Scripts/Utilities/StaticCoroutine.cs:252)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)

(Filename: Packages/com.valvesoftware.unity.openvr-1.2.1/Runtime/OpenVRLoader.cs Line: 195)

[XR] [MROpenXR][Info   ][01:22:34.622694][tid:d18] InitializePluginProviders featurePluginName=MixedRealityFeaturePlugin
[XR] [MROpenXR][Info   ][01:22:34.622694][tid:d18] InitializePluginProviders featurePluginName=MixedRealityFeaturePlugin
[Subsystems] Loading plugin UnityOpenXR for subsystem OpenXR Display...
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.643][Info   ] Available Layers: (3)
[XR] [MROpenXR][Info   ][01:22:34.660757][tid:d18] SetMixedRealityPluginOptions disableFirstPersonObserver=False enablePoseUpdateOnBeforeRender=False
[XR] [MROpenXR][Info   ][01:22:34.660757][tid:d18] SetMixedRealityPluginOptions disableFirstPersonObserver=False enablePoseUpdateOnBeforeRender=False
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Error  ] xrGetSystem: XR_ERROR_FORM_FACTOR_UNAVAILABLE
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] 

==== Start Unity OpenXR Diagnostic Report ====

[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] ==== Report Reason: Uncaught Exception ====

[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] ==== OpenXR Init Info ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] Stage 1 Missing Entry Points: (1)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   xrInitializeLoaderKHR
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] ==== OpenXR Provider Info ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] Spec Version: 1.0.27
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] Provider Version: 1.8.2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] App: ImmersiveDeck #1617841804
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] Engine: 2021.3.31f1 #36828161
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] ==== OpenXR Runtime Info ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] Features requested to be enabled: (5)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   Hand Interaction Profile: Version=0.0.1, Company="Unity", Extensions="XR_EXT_hand_interaction"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   HP Reverb G2 Controller Profile: Version=0.0.1, Company="Unity", Extensions="XR_EXT_hp_mixed_reality_controller"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   Mixed Reality Features: Version=1.10.0, Company="Microsoft", Extensions="XR_MSFT_holographic_window_attachment XR_KHR_win32_convert_performance_counter_time XR_MSFT_unbounded_reference_space XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor XR_MSFT_secondary_view_configuration XR_MSFT_first_person_observer XR_MSFT_spatial_graph_bridge XR_MSFT_perception_anchor_interop XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_persistence XR_MSFT_scene_understanding XR_MSFT_scene_understanding_serialization XR_MSFT_scene_marker XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_export_preview XR_MSFT_composition_layer_reprojection"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   Oculus Touch Controller Profile: Version=0.0.1, Company="Unity"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   Hand Tracking Subsystem: Version=0.0.1, Company="Unity", Extensions="XR_EXT_hand_tracking"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] Requested feature extensions not supported by runtime: (4)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_holographic_window_attachment: Feature="Mixed Reality Features": Version=1.10.0, Company="Microsoft"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_secondary_view_configuration: Feature="Mixed Reality Features": Version=1.10.0, Company="Microsoft"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_first_person_observer: Feature="Mixed Reality Features": Version=1.10.0, Company="Microsoft"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_export_preview: Feature="Mixed Reality Features": Version=1.10.0, Company="Microsoft"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ] Available Runtime Extensions: (33)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hand_tracking: Version=4
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hand_joints_motion_range: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_ULTRALEAP_hand_tracking_forearm: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_EXT_eye_gaze_interaction: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_HTC_facial_tracking: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_HTC_passthrough: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_KHR_win32_convert_performance_counter_time: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_KHR_D3D11_enable: Version=9
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_KHR_D3D12_enable: Version=9
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_KHR_composition_layer_depth: Version=6
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_KHR_composition_layer_color_scale_bias: Version=5
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_unbounded_reference_space: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.661][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_perception_anchor_interop: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_EXT_win32_appcontainer_compatible: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_EXT_conformance_automation: Version=3
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_composition_layer_reprojection: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_spatial_graph_bridge: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_persistence: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_EXT_palm_pose: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_EXT_active_action_set_priority: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_scene_understanding: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_scene_understanding_serialization: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_scene_marker: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_FB_display_refresh_rate: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hand_interaction: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_hand_interaction: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_hand_tracking_mesh: Version=4
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_controller_model: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_KHR_visibility_mask: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_EXT_samsung_odyssey_controller: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hp_mixed_reality_controller: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_EXT_debug_utils: Version=4
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] Available Layers: (3)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_APILAYER_ULTRALEAP_hand_tracking: SpecVersion=1.0.0, LayerVersion=1, Description="Ultraleap OpenXR Hand Tracking"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_APILAYER_VIVE_facial_tracking: SpecVersion=1.0.0, LayerVersion=2, Description="VIVE OpenXR Facial tracking"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_APILAYER_VIVE_MR: SpecVersion=1.0.0, LayerVersion=2, Description="VIVE OpenXR MR"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] Available Runtime Layer Extensions: LayerName="XR_APILAYER_ULTRALEAP_hand_tracking": (3)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hand_tracking: Version=4
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hand_joints_motion_range: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_ULTRALEAP_hand_tracking_forearm: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] Available Runtime Layer Extensions: LayerName="XR_APILAYER_VIVE_facial_tracking": (2)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_EXT_eye_gaze_interaction: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_HTC_facial_tracking: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] Available Runtime Layer Extensions: LayerName="XR_APILAYER_VIVE_MR": (1)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]   XR_HTC_passthrough: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] Runtime Name: Windows Mixed Reality Runtime
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] Runtime Version: 113.2403.5001
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] ==== OpenXR Exception Thrown ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] Error: XrResult failure [XR_ERROR_FORM_FACTOR_UNAVAILABLE]
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]     Origin: result
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]     Source: C:\build\output\unity\xr.sdk.openxr\NativePlugin\Source\unity_session.cpp:260
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] ==== Std Exception Thrown ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] Function: Display_Initialize
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] Message: XrResult failure [XR_ERROR_FORM_FACTOR_UNAVAILABLE]
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]     Origin: result
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ]     Source: C:\build\output\unity\xr.sdk.openxr\NativePlugin\Source\unity_session.cpp:260
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] ==== Last 20 non-XR_SUCCESS returns ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.662][Info   ] [FAILURE] xrGetSystem: XR_ERROR_FORM_FACTOR_UNAVAILABLE (1x)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] ==== Last 20 Events ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] 

==== End Unity OpenXR Diagnostic Report ====

[Subsystems] Failed to initialize subsystem OpenXR Display [error: 1]
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] 

==== Start Unity OpenXR Diagnostic Report ====

[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] ==== Report Reason: System Shutdown ====

[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] ==== OpenXR Init Info ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] Stage 1 Missing Entry Points: (1)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   xrInitializeLoaderKHR
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] ==== OpenXR Provider Info ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] Spec Version: 1.0.27
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] Provider Version: 1.8.2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] App: ImmersiveDeck #1617841804
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] Engine: 2021.3.31f1 #36828161
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] ==== OpenXR Runtime Info ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] Features requested to be enabled: (5)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   Hand Interaction Profile: Version=0.0.1, Company="Unity", Extensions="XR_EXT_hand_interaction"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   HP Reverb G2 Controller Profile: Version=0.0.1, Company="Unity", Extensions="XR_EXT_hp_mixed_reality_controller"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   Mixed Reality Features: Version=1.10.0, Company="Microsoft", Extensions="XR_MSFT_holographic_window_attachment XR_KHR_win32_convert_performance_counter_time XR_MSFT_unbounded_reference_space XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor XR_MSFT_secondary_view_configuration XR_MSFT_first_person_observer XR_MSFT_spatial_graph_bridge XR_MSFT_perception_anchor_interop XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_persistence XR_MSFT_scene_understanding XR_MSFT_scene_understanding_serialization XR_MSFT_scene_marker XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_export_preview XR_MSFT_composition_layer_reprojection"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   Oculus Touch Controller Profile: Version=0.0.1, Company="Unity"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   Hand Tracking Subsystem: Version=0.0.1, Company="Unity", Extensions="XR_EXT_hand_tracking"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] Requested feature extensions not supported by runtime: (4)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_holographic_window_attachment: Feature="Mixed Reality Features": Version=1.10.0, Company="Microsoft"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_secondary_view_configuration: Feature="Mixed Reality Features": Version=1.10.0, Company="Microsoft"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_first_person_observer: Feature="Mixed Reality Features": Version=1.10.0, Company="Microsoft"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_export_preview: Feature="Mixed Reality Features": Version=1.10.0, Company="Microsoft"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ] Available Runtime Extensions: (33)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hand_tracking: Version=4
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hand_joints_motion_range: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_ULTRALEAP_hand_tracking_forearm: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_EXT_eye_gaze_interaction: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_HTC_facial_tracking: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_HTC_passthrough: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_KHR_win32_convert_performance_counter_time: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.663][Info   ]   XR_KHR_D3D11_enable: Version=9
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_KHR_D3D12_enable: Version=9
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_KHR_composition_layer_depth: Version=6
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_KHR_composition_layer_color_scale_bias: Version=5
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_unbounded_reference_space: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_perception_anchor_interop: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_EXT_win32_appcontainer_compatible: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_EXT_conformance_automation: Version=3
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_composition_layer_reprojection: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_spatial_graph_bridge: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_persistence: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_EXT_palm_pose: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_EXT_active_action_set_priority: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_scene_understanding: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_scene_understanding_serialization: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_scene_marker: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_FB_display_refresh_rate: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hand_interaction: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_hand_interaction: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_hand_tracking_mesh: Version=4
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_MSFT_controller_model: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_KHR_visibility_mask: Version=2
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_EXT_samsung_odyssey_controller: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hp_mixed_reality_controller: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_EXT_debug_utils: Version=4
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ] Available Layers: (3)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_APILAYER_ULTRALEAP_hand_tracking: SpecVersion=1.0.0, LayerVersion=1, Description="Ultraleap OpenXR Hand Tracking"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_APILAYER_VIVE_facial_tracking: SpecVersion=1.0.0, LayerVersion=2, Description="VIVE OpenXR Facial tracking"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_APILAYER_VIVE_MR: SpecVersion=1.0.0, LayerVersion=2, Description="VIVE OpenXR MR"
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ] Available Runtime Layer Extensions: LayerName="XR_APILAYER_ULTRALEAP_hand_tracking": (3)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hand_tracking: Version=4
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_EXT_hand_joints_motion_range: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_ULTRALEAP_hand_tracking_forearm: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ] Available Runtime Layer Extensions: LayerName="XR_APILAYER_VIVE_facial_tracking": (2)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_EXT_eye_gaze_interaction: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.664][Info   ]   XR_HTC_facial_tracking: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] Available Runtime Layer Extensions: LayerName="XR_APILAYER_VIVE_MR": (1)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ]   XR_HTC_passthrough: Version=1
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] Runtime Name: Windows Mixed Reality Runtime
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] Runtime Version: 113.2403.5001
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] ==== OpenXR Exception Thrown ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] Error: XrResult failure [XR_ERROR_FORM_FACTOR_UNAVAILABLE]
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ]     Origin: result
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ]     Source: C:\build\output\unity\xr.sdk.openxr\NativePlugin\Source\unity_session.cpp:260
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] ==== Std Exception Thrown ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] Function: Display_Initialize
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] Message: XrResult failure [XR_ERROR_FORM_FACTOR_UNAVAILABLE]
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ]     Origin: result
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ]     Source: C:\build\output\unity\xr.sdk.openxr\NativePlugin\Source\unity_session.cpp:260
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] ==== Last 20 non-XR_SUCCESS returns ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] [FAILURE] xrGetSystem: XR_ERROR_FORM_FACTOR_UNAVAILABLE (1x)
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] 
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] ==== Last 20 Events ====
[XR] [3352] [01:22:34.665][Info   ] 

==== End Unity OpenXR Diagnostic Report ====

	Native Crash Reporting
Got a UNKNOWN while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.

	Managed Stacktrace:
	  at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
	  at UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.OpenXRLoaderBase:Internal_DestroySession <0x000cd>
	  at UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.OpenXRLoaderBase:Deinitialize <0x004ca>
	  at UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.OpenXRLoaderBase:Initialize <0x0062b>
	  at UnityEngine.XR.Management.XRManagerSettings:InitializeLoaderSync <0x003f2>
	  at ImmersiveDeck.Common.NetworkReadyHandler:InvokeNetworkReadySubscriberFirstCallbackBatch <0x000cf>
	  at <FrameDelayedCoroutine>d__18`1:MoveNext <0x00327>
	  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext <0x001b0>
	  at <Module>:runtime_invoke_void_object_intptr <0x0019f>
Received signal SIGSEGV
Obtained 2 stack frames
RtlLookupFunctionEntry returned NULL function. Aborting stack walk.
<Missing stacktrace information>


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