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High-level guidance on various SDKs and plugins for developing with Unreal

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Hi there, I have been searching and unable to find a clear-cut answer on how the different plugins work when developing for UE5.

I currently know of

  1. OpenXR,
  2. Vive OpenXR, and
  3. Wave SDK.

My question is what are the high-level differences between each of these, and what are the main reasons you might choose one over the other. For context I am developing VR scenarios using VIVE Focus 3, Ultimate trackers, and UE5.3


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Hi @deSchot,

There are two SDKs for VIVE Focus 3, You can check the VR features of them below:

WaveVR(https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnrealPlugin/UnrealPlugin.html) and ViveOpenXR(https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/unreal/unreal-overview/). ViveOpenXR depends on the OpenXR plugin.

I recommend you to use ViveOpenXR SDK, the WaveVR SDK might be deprecated in a year except the features ViveOpenXR SDK offered is not fit your requirement. That means the features in WaveVR are more than ViveOpenXR SDK.

If you need to use the Ultimate tracker, WaveVR is supported. ViveOpenXR will support it in next release.

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