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TPCast and SteamVR error 400


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I'm setting up a tpcast wireless connection for the first time. My wired setup works fine. When using the tpcast, I get a SteamVR error 400 (compositor). Everything else looks good. I'm using a laptop with a 1080 gpu. Thanks.

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Hello, since TPCast is a 3rd party device it may be most efficient to contact them directly for help. That said; I'll try my best to help you. What have you tried thus far to troubleshoot the problem to prevent me from suggesting redundant steps? Have you successfully run the TPCast installer application and achieved "connected" status in the TPCast client? You must run this client before you launch SteamVR otherwise you may get an error 400. 

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Thanks for the reply. I agree about contacting directly. Unfortunately, they don't have English customer support yet - only Mandarin (I chatted with them using Google translate). I wasn't able to resolve it using those means. I know someone who speaks Mandarin, but they won't be available for another few weeks.

I have successfully run the TPCast client (success on all four steps: Router Detect, Power box connect, System load, Connection complete).

I'm wondering if it has something to do with running it on a laptop.

Thank you.

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