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Scene Alignment & Map Center and direction Settings Interactions

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We re trying to set up a LBE Map in our playspace of about 25 x 20 Meters. There are 8 collums in our playspace and we re using 28 ArUcos for MBDP with laser measured distances. 1 additional Marker is used for MBSA and is placed on one of the collums.


After creating the Map you have to set the Map center manually with holding the HMD at the center before you can use the MBSA? Shouldnt that be without any impact, as the MBSA overwrites the map center afterwards? I tried setting the Map Center and direction at another place then our normal 0/0 point before setting the MBSA and it did make a difference though, and everthing was shifted and tilted even after using MBSA. In this case i m wondering how should i be able to get the center point right manually as one degree change will make a big difference in 25 meters of playspace and just holding the headset in the right way wont be a solution.

Also we re having huge differences in map quality, sometimes we get a map nearly perfect alligned with the real world, and sometimes more then a meter of difference.

Is Marker Based Scene Alignment not supposed to reset the Map 0/0 Position? Why are we giving the Json of the MBSA the exact coordinates of our 0/0 in Unity then?

What is the right workflow to center the map correctly and have it align with the collums?


One other thing we re having (but where i think this should not be the cause of the problem) is that we have over 1000 ArUco Markers on the ceiling. These Markers are in a 5x5 pattern and not in a 4x4 pattern like the VIVE Markers. Still we re getting like between 10 and 15 warnings while scanning the map that the distances of the json seem to be wrong. But we ve had great Maps even with these warnings, so i dont think this is related to the wrong alignment.


Thanks for any help

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yes we are doing pcvr with unity.

it seems that mbsa is doing nothing for the map center, as i would have expected.

we re working right now with centering the map manually with the mobilephone-app, so that the map 0/0 is the same as our unity 0/0.

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Alright, so after even more tests we could not get mbsa to work in any way.

with the pc_vr_sdk we re able to get the headset into passthrough so the unity -> sdk -> vive business streaming -> hmd connection seems to work.

we re using the example code from XXX and we tried a setup with two and with one ArUco for the mbsa:

        string key = "PLAYER00InitMA";
        //string setting = "{\"marker1\":{\"id\":88,\"behavior\":0,\"size\":0.28,\"pose\":[0.7071,0,-0.7071,0,2.181,1.6,18.162]},\"marker2\":{\"id\":89,\"behavior\":0,\"size\":0.28,\"pose\":[0,0,1,0,-2.566,1.6,2.817]}}";
        string setting = "{\"marker1\":{\"id\":66,\"behavior\":0,\"size\":0.28,\"pose\":[-0.7071,0,0.7071,0,-2.34,1.6,2.628]}}";
        key += setting;
        bool result = VS_WVRGetParameters(0, key);

        Debug.Log("key = " + key);
        Debug.Log("VS_WVRGetParameters result " + result);
        VS_WVRSetParameters(0, key);


it seems that our unity scene is always aligned with the steamVR scene, so these two 0/0 points are always exactly in the same position.

our expected outcome would be that the mbsa is aligning the unity or the steamVR 0/0 (or both) with our room, but that does not happen. or expected outcome could also be that the mbsa is setting the 0/0 of the map to the mathematicaly corred position by the data of the aruco json, but this is also not happening.


we ve been following these tutorials:





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Hi, for setting up the center and using MBSA, it affects different parts of the orentation. the center you set manually is the center of the map, which affects the lobby (steam home), as for MBSA, it should make changes for the specific content only, which embeded with the APIs and the unity scenes (which should only contain up to 2 markers). and MBSA should be applied to the map after setting the center of map, that is, if the center is changed (with VIVE Manager mobile app), the MBSA should be rescanned to align again since the orientation of the map is changed.

also, could you provide a floor plan of your play area with the marker position marked on it and the firmware version (including SDK version) that you're using for us to analysis the problem for you?

one other thing, the aruco markers on the ceiling might affect the tracking performance since the marker is actually not a good pattern for tracking (the square could look very alike when far away), but you could still skip the warning messeges as you did.

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hi sally,

thanks for your replay!


out goal is to get a specific point of the playarea with a specific point of our unity scene and the orientation aligned perfectly. doing this manually is not perfect enough. and as i said, the mbsa feature seems to do nothing.

we did multiple runs of trying mbsa with different setups and a lot of different scanned maps. we also tried 1 marker or 2 marker setup.


the 2 red lines are 2 marker setup. the 1 orange line is 1 marker setup.



the versions of everything:

pc_sdk: 0.12.1

focus 3 rom: 6.0.999.972

unity: 2021.3.31f1

vive business streaming pc: 1.15.11c

vive business streaming hmd:

vive mobile app: 2.0.45

steamvr: 2.7.4

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On 9/2/2024 at 7:46 PM, VIVE_Sally said:

Hi, for setting up the center and using MBSA, it affects different parts of the orentation. the center you set manually is the center of the map, which affects the lobby (steam home), as for MBSA, it should make changes for the specific content only, which embeded with the APIs and the unity scenes (which should only contain up to 2 markers). and MBSA should be applied to the map after setting the center of map, that is, if the center is changed (with VIVE Manager mobile app), the MBSA should be rescanned to align again since the orientation of the map is changed.

also, could you provide a floor plan of your play area with the marker position marked on it and the firmware version (including SDK version) that you're using for us to analysis the problem for you?

one other thing, the aruco markers on the ceiling might affect the tracking performance since the marker is actually not a good pattern for tracking (the square could look very alike when far away), but you could still skip the warning messeges as you did.

Like I said, MBSA simply doesn't work. I seriously doubt if your team even tested it. I have spoken to many other people, MBSA just doesn't work, but other features like Location Sharing does work.

When can you start accepting this fact?

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Hi @Illusion Walk,  could you provide logs for us to analysis the cause of the problem? since from the description, we couldn't be sure that the problem you face is the same as ChrisMa130's.

so it will be better if we could take a look into your case as well.

for capturing the logs, please use VIVE Business Console: 


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