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headset not connected properly (208)


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Hello, I'm sure this subject is posted here quite a bit.  


This is my issue, I got the vive when it released last year. I installed it on my desktop and used it all the time until we had to turn the vr room into a nursery. Fast forward a few months to last weekend. I got a laptop (AW17 R4) with a 7820hk and a GTX 1080, now I'm getting this error, only on the laptop.  The vive works if I plug the HDMI from headset directly into my computer.

I have:

Updated video drivers

Tested every HDMI cable

Replaced Link Box

Tried DP from computer to link box HDMI (crashes my computer)

Tried HDMI to DP on linkbox 


Anyone have any ideas? I mean, I guess it's not that big of an issue, mostly just a problem I want to solve as it makes it easier to roam around.  



Thank you


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One thing I'd check is power settings. You want to make sure they're set to maximum performance. Try this:

Disable power management

Windows come with a system to save energy whenever the connected devices are not being used, by disabling them and waking them up again when they’re requested. This applies to USB devices, network devices and some others that are not vital for the core functionality of the operating system. SteamVR works in a similar way, shutting down the unused devices. But, in some scenarios, this system may shut down devices that are necessary for Vive, causing tracking or connectivity issues on specific time frames or scenarios, causing tracking issues or unexpected behavior.

  1. To disable, go to SteamVR > Settings > Developer > Disable Power Management.
  2. Restart SteamVR.



-John C

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  • 6 months later...

thank you very much that worked for me



One thing I'd check is power settings. You want to make sure they're set to maximum performance. Try this:

Disable power management

Windows come with a system to save energy whenever the connected devices are not being used, by disabling them and waking them up again when they’re requested. This applies to USB devices, network devices and some others that are not vital for the core functionality of the operating system.
works in a similar way, shutting down the unused devices. But, in some scenarios, this system may shut down devices that are necessary for Vive, causing tracking or connectivity issues on specific time frames or scenarios, causing tracking issues or unexpected behavior.
  1. To disable, go to
    Disable Power Management
  2. Restart



-John C


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