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Vive Base Station - No repair status nor response from Support


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To keep things simple, I sent the Vive Base station in and it was received in Houston on Nov 11.  but no update on the tracking website.  As I understand from other posts this service isnt functional yet, so that's good to know...  but I have emailed support 3 times to at least ensure they received it and only got a response to the initial one:

Nov 14: Support responded, TLDR is that tracking isnt working, but leave it with them.

Nov 20: No response, just an automated "we will get back to you" message

Nov 22: No response at all.


I'm just looking for some kind of update, from support so I know whether to just go buy a new base station or not, as I feel like mine is now sitting in a corner somewhere in Houston collecting dust.





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