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Broken buckle port self repair


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So I recieved my HTC vive from NewEgg three days ago. While playing the buckle port on the right side snapped and the headset strap will no longer attach. I am a repair technician for several other electronics, and a small piece of plastic on the side of the headset doesnt seem that difficult to change. Is there anyway to get the plastic piece sent to me so I could repair it myself and avoid the 10 day loss of my favorite new toy?

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  • 9 months later...

Same issue here.  I'm in South Africa.  It broke after only 2 months of usage while adjusting the headstrap for size, and neither the retailer nor the distributor wants to honour the warranty, citing "user damage".  So now my only resort is to attempt to fix it myself.  It really is a tiny piece that one should just be able to simply screw in - if only you could get hold of a replacement part!  Any advice much appreciated.

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Looks like were on our own. I found thick double sided tape worked very well to hold it in place if u jam it in the socket and hold it for a bit. Lasted me no problem the whole time since my original post. It may be a good idea for someone to 3D model it. I didn't think HTC would be against right to repair. I guess we can add them to the list.

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 Thanks for that, appreciate it.  Let's see what comes of that but I'm not very hopeful.  So far it has been all dead ends.

If all else fails maybe I must see about just getting someone to bring some over for me when visiting the US - they could probably fit 100 of these things in the loose change pocket in their wallet!

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