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Missing Doom VFR code


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Hi all, I read the post that there were issues with code redeemables, but had apparently been fixed,


My other half used his redeem code late last night/ this morning and he did not receive the doomvfr, only fall out, tilt brush and vive port.


We have checked his spam email and there is no other email than the one received.


The games were part of the black Friday bundle purchase so it should be included.


Can anyone help/ advise?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Bambi151,

I see you have a problem with free-ware codes

Im sorry to inform you that this is not a topic in which user support can assist you. to get any sort of resolution out of this youre going to need to create a ticket, and talk to a customer service representative about getting your codes.


As you did recieve Fallout 4 and TiltBrush I don't recall seeing a bundle that included those as well as another AAA game (but I could be wrong). Id suggest you check which bundle you got as there could be a misunderstanding in the included software. hopefully your issue can get resolved by the proper authority and you can enjoy your VIVE soon!

If these do not fix your issue, feel free to leave this topic open,
I or another user will try to assist you further shortly!


If I have assisted you with your issue, or resolved your problem, Please accept my response as the answer.


Best of luck!

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