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Monitor black after starting/ending SteamVR


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I have a big problem. Whenever I start SteamVR, my right monitor is going black and then after 3 seconds, its going back to normal. Last time this happened, after some starts and ending of SteamVR, my DisplayPort got an function error and It broke and I had to replace my monitor. Im scared if this happens again... Last time it was my Left Monitor, which got replaced because of the DisplayPort function error, now I got a replacement with the same monitor, and now my right monitor is going Black for some reason for 3 seconds. Im very scared if this happens again that I get an DisplayPort function error. 


I have 3 Monitor connected. All through DisplayPort 1.4.


Left Monitor: ASUS VG248QE

Middle Monitor: BenQ XL2730Z

Right Monitor: ASUS VG248QE


All monitors has 144hz.


Any help maybe?

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A monitor going black for a second isn't usually a concern, especially when you're changing display settings (any time you start SteamVR, you're basically adding an additional display device) but I'm not sure why that would cause your monitor to die. DisplayPort only has 3.3 V 500mA of power, which is miniscule. There's no way that's frying your monitor. If anything, I'd take a look at your power supply. Are you using an uniterruptable power supply between the wall and the monitors?


-John C

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I really don't think Vive is causing this. The only way a monitor could burn out is from some sort of power surge, but Vive simply can't cause that. It wouldn't be physically possible. Maybe there's something up with your video card, but I can't imagine that DisplayPort cables are the issue, as I said they barely carry any power at all.

I would highly recommend you contact the manufacturer of your monitors and tell them what's happening, because that doesn't sound normal at all.


Edit: One more thing, check the cable. It might not be the monitor that's failing, but the cable.

Thank you,

-John C

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  • 1 year later...

I have the exact same issue here. My main monitor turns black for about 3 seconds each time I start/end SteamVR. Really frustrating. I have tried reinstall Steam/SteamVR/nvidia drivers etc.  I also tried switching displayport cables.


My main monitor is a brand new Philips Momentum 436m6vbpab. (My secondary monitor doesn't have this issue)


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I have the exact same issue here with my Vive Pro. My main monitor turns black for about 3 seconds each time I start/end SteamVR. Really frustrating. I have tried reinstall Steam/SteamVR/nvidia drivers etc.  I also tried switching displayport cables.


My main monitor is a brand new Philips Momentum 436m6vbpab. (My secondary monitor doesn't have this issue)




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