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Games Unresponsive


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I’m having an issue with games saying they are unresponsive on the steamVR panel, everything is up to date and have not changed anything since I got my vive. Only thing though that I did change was that my laptop was running on 2 graphic cards and now I disabled the intel graphics card that was slowing my laptop, so now I’m running on my gtx 1060 by its self. Some games run on VR and non VR runs fine but there are certain games that just say unresponsive and display on my laptops monitor.

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Check your performance/power settings and make sure you're plugged into the wall too. You'll want to set your performance to maximum. You might also check and make sure that the laptop is able to stay cooled, as it will ramp down performance if it gets too warm.


-John C

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The games that I had with the onboard graphics still on worked, these are new games that I installed after I disabled the intel graphics. I could try turning it back on and see what happens. I’ll get back to you if that changes anything.

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