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strange room shape. How should I set the lighthouses?


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Hello, I want to buy a HTC vive. I dont want to buy a rift because a rift is **bleep**. But I have a very weird room.

Here is a drawing made in paint.net to shot you my room. And that is the only room where VR would be possible.

As you can see, there is only one good spot for a lighthouse. Can I just place the other sensor right in the corner next to it? Because I do not think that I can place the Senor on the slope, and certainly not on the ground.

But I am sure that it won't work like that. 

Please help, I really want a vive!

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The SteamVR tracking algorithms are optimized to have the lighthouses diagonally from each other in opposing corners of the playspace but there is quite an amount of flexibility in where you can actually place your lighthouses. Having one in the marked corner and then one midway on the opposite wall pointed towards the opposite wall should work. You may need to use a sync cable to make this setup work. This tool will enable you to maximize the FOV of your basestations to try and cover the area most effectively. In your case, the sync pulse is what will be your limiting factor, hence the sync cable. 

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