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ViveSetup.1521853200 wont load/download


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Hello, i recently purchased a htc vive and now trying to do the download for the software but it wont load up after download and keeps sending me to a search result of file ectension on bing. I would like help to find out why it wont load or let me get started with my htc vive.

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You don't need to use the Vive installer or sign in with an HTC sense account to use the Vive - you can just download Steam. For the time being, just install Steam - set up your hardware, plug it into your PC, and Steam should automatically detect that you have a VR HMD and will install SteamVR. 


For the Vive setup, that installs Viveport which is a content platform - it is not required to run the Vive. Can you provide a screenshot of the error message? It sounds like you're having an issue with the HTC sense login process. 

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