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2.0 tracker dongle issue - SteamVR Error 10016


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Similar thread(s): https://community.viveport.com/t5/Technical-Support/Vive-2018-2-0-Trackers-Firmware-Not-Updating-SteamVR-Error-10016/td-p/18334


Heyo, I bought three 2.0 trackers about a month ago. I set them up last week and found out one of them would spaz out and disappear every 5sec. The SteamVR screen shows the tracker flashing, then disconnecting, followed by the "controller needs update"- 10016 error.

I followed pikkirby's thread and have been doing what they did throughout the week, and confirmed one of the three dongles is the culprit.

Also tested it on another computer, with another Vive headset. Same thing happened with the same dongle.

I have the 3rd tracker wired now and it works great, but yeah.. that's not very comfy.


Please help!

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