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Anyone had a go at getting VRTK working with the Wave SDK?


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I'm wondering if it might be possible just by replacing the scripts on the Daydream SDK presets with Wave ones as described in the porting docs. i.e. it might not need any changes to VRTK itself.


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I did that a couple of months ago. I did it in Unity 2017.3.0f3, and I don't know if it will work in newer versions of Unity, but I did get VRTK to work. To do that I rewrote the VRTK Daydream SDK, and one of the core VRTK files, to prevent VRTK from checking for a valid VR SDK. I can give you my code if you want.


Kind regards,



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Yes - it would be useful to see your code. It's very kind of you to offer. I might even use it as is for a quick task I want to do (getting an old project working on the Focus to test performance.


If course I'm *sure* HTC has reached out to thestonefox and offered him their full support in getting VRTK working officially. /s

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No but you can certainly check out using Vive Input Utility (VIU) from assetstore/github. Can target many platforms and has been around as long and of course has built in WaveSDK support.

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Dario pointed out that the Vive Input Utility supports Wave/Focus. Taking another look at the readme I discover it also supports Oculus natively. I'm pretty sure this wasn't the case when I originally checked it out prior to settling on VRTK.


Does anyone have any experience of using it in a real project. It seems to be actively maintained (aside from the documentation: Ctrl+F "wave" 0 results...)

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From the description on the asset store page, it doesn't seem like VIU is anything like VRTK. Anyway, here are the files for VRTK 3.2.1, Unity 2017.3.0, that should make the Focus work with VRTK. Let me know if it works for you!


Kind regards,



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Just a reminder that porting from Vive to Focus (see porting guides in documentation) is more than just code level compatibility. In case you haven't coded for mobile or Android before we also have a use case porting best practices pdf available here: (right column)




Additionally, the other hurdle is porting from 6DOF controllers to a 3DOF controller. And although 6DOF is forthcoming, it's recommended that developers (depending on content design) target both cases. Using arm model IK and other techniques you can try to address the 6DOF to 3DOF issue. One source for more information is from Google but can be adapted to the Wave SDK as well: https://developers.google.com/vr/elements/arm-model


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