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Can't Find Google Tilt Brush in Viveport

Yassir Rah

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I got an HTC Vive for Christmas, 2017 and it came with a code for a bundle including: Fallout 4 and Google Tilt Brush. I activated Fallout 4 in steam and I activated Google Tilt Brush in Viveport. I had to factory reset my computer recently and i have just now reinstalled Viveport. I logged in with my information and now I can't find Google tilt Brush, which was previously in my library. I activated Google Tilt Brush on Viveport with my Google Account and I have tried logging in with steam and HTC Account. With steam i couldnt find Tilt Brush and There was no coorisponding account with both of my emails. If there is anyone who can help me with my situation, I would Gladly appriciate that. Thank you.

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Hi ,


I believe that you have what we called an "multiple account" issue.  

You must have forgotten which account you've used and created another by accident.  

Please log into your Steam account by clicking the Steam button.  



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