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Vive Controllers


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Hello Everyone!

I am probably one of many here with this issue. As said in the subject, both vive controllers are not clicking to the right of the track pad. A little backstory behind my issues with this vive. In early december my little sister kept asking for a vive. My parents had me build her a computer which was a great expierence, and then bought the vive on top of that. This was a very big investment and we have been very dissapointed. A month after getting the vive the 3 in 1 cord started kinking horribly making it impossible to use the full room-scale experience. When we asked customer support about sending us a new one they said it would be 5-7 WEEKS (and we would have to send the old one back). Of course only being 3 weeks or so after christmas we just bought a new $60 cord. About a month ago I went to play Fallout 4 VR and was very dissapointed to find both right sides of the track pads were broken making the game unplayable. I do not have the box anymore and I am at a loss with finding the serial numbers. We cannot afford to drop another $200 or so for new controllers. Im honestly suprised there hasnt been a lawsuit against vive for this. PLEASE sombody help me. I would like to reiterate that we spent $1800 on a new desktop and then another $660 on the vive. Again, can sombody please help me figure out the next step. 

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  • 4 months later...

I am having the exact same controller problem, both track pads have no contact on the right sides.

I didn't realize this until I bought a game that required these controls. 


Did you get your problems resolved ?


Edit: also, where is the serial number ?

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