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No Video output with C sample projects


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Hi again,


I am trying out the SRWorks C API samples. They seem to work, except for one thing: I dont see anything.

I´m mainly using the CameraControl sample (because i want to try some settings) and i do get the response that every command is ok. I just dont see anything from the cameras video stream. The HMD Displays shows the standart white room from SteamVR like no Application is active.


Before I start the example, I can successfully test the camera stream in the SteamVR settings.

After I stop the example, the camera test does not work any more, and I have to restart the link box to get it working again...


Note: I ported the projects to VS2017 because I could not get the 2015 version anywhere.


I´m thankful to any idea!


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Right click on SteamVR in the steam library and go to Properties->Betas and select the beta in the drop down. 


Note that (as far as I know) the C examples don't render anything to the HMD, they only output via the OpenCV windows which open when you run certain commands

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thanks, that solved the issue. Yes, it opens some openCV windows now (first it did just nothing).


I noticed that I must have accidently deleted one line of code, so thats the other issue about not compiling in Visual Studio. So now it works perfectly!

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