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Vive pro controllers?


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Are the pro controllers the same as the regular ones? I ordered a pro set and wanted to get a protective cover (silicone type)for the controllers and HMD to protect against damage / shock. If I get a set of covers for regular vive controllers will they fit pro controllers?


I've also looked around for a vive pro HMD protective cover and can't seem to find anything...


Thanks in advance!

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, There are internal differences but the shell for the new controller is the exact same dimensions as the older one. Any controller skin you buy will work on both variations of controller. I haven't seen an HMD specific cover yet but I'm sure a third party will release one at some point. 

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Perfect. That's what I needed to know, I appreciate the quick response.


I'll just check from time to time for something for the HMD and hope it doesn't get damaged in the meantime.


Thanks again!

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