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Add Testers option not working


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We’ve now got a published Vive Beta build of our game uploaded to Viveport.  When we attempt to add Test Users to the build nothing happens.  I’ve tried 2 browsers and the list doesn’t populate and emails aren’t recevied.  The documentation makes it sound simple, what are we doing something wrong?


Thanks in advance

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 - I've heard back from the dev console team. We were unable to reproduce your error and the system appears to be working correctly. We would like to specifically examine your case. Can you please PM me your app ID and name on the build that's giving you issues? Thanks.  


One tip that the developer console team had, was that they recommend hitting "enter" or "tab" after you enter each of the email addresses. It will cause a UI update as seen below. This UI change indicates that the address has been accepted by the form. 





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