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Vive Tracker Position via USB


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Dear Vive-Team,


I am currently working with a Vive tracker and want to integrate it into an AR application. Therefore reatime information on the tracker position is required.

For this it would be very handy to have the Vive Tracker reporting it's position via the mini USB port.

Is there a simple way to get the position information from the tracker directly?

The Developer Guide shows some different communication modes, but I am not sure if they map my application case. The communication protocol in the Developers Guide seems not to cover all cases.


Thank you for the support,


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, From a hardware prospective, if you plug the tracker into a USB port without the dongle being plugged in, it will send the tracking data via USB rather than over BT. Any 3.0 or 3.1 port will provide more than ample bandwidth. 


Per the "getting data from the tracker directly" part of your question, I'm assuming you mean outside of whichever engine you're using. You can access the data at the OpenVR level but it's not really feasible to access the data directly in most cases as the data output by the watchman uses specialized compression mechanisms to enable low-latency communication. 

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