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Do I have to register the main function?


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    I am  a newer in vive focus development. The function I want to implement is very simple. Can I not register the main function? I want to wrap the function in the jni layer and And call them in java.

    Is there any problem with this?  Thank you very much for your generous help.


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So if you want to do that (i.e. have a C main function entry), it has to be in a dynamically loaded library and you'll have to do the following in "native" Java Android:


static { System.loadLibrary("mylib");}


and write a JNI call to call it:


JNIEXPORT return_type JNICALL Java_full_package_name_classname_functionname(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, Jobject stringArray) {
  // convert to C Strings here
  main(argc, argv);
  // clean up here


But if you're new to this, please reconsider and try native Java instead or better yet use Unity or Unreal instead.






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Thank you very much for your generous answer.

Maybe I didn't know what I said before. The function I want to implement is very simple (similar to rendering a real-time video stream into the vive focus), so I started to learn wave native sdk. In the examples I saw, I needed to use WVR_RegisterMain( Main) This function is used as the entry point for the entire application,


so my question is: Can I implement the specific operation in the native layer (call the SDK), write the logic flow in the java layer, that is, do not call the WVR_RegisterMain function.


But then again, to achieve my function is not to use unity is simpler.


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