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Update on Vive Wireless Adpater


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I understand your frustration about silence, aside from the offical statement posted here, we're unable to speak into the investigation from a legal prospective as it involves numerous companies such as OEMs. We certainly have a vested interest in getting to the bottom of this and doing our best to ensure a positive customer outcome - it's just pretty complex behind the scenes. 


I personally apologize for not replying to this thread sooner. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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About once every two weeks I hook everything up, reload all the latest drivers (including DisplayLink from the website), make sure SteamVR is updated, check for BIOS and OS updates.

Still get Error 208: HMD Not Detected. Every time. No change.

It's been more then two months now.

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We're still working with AMD and OEMs on this - this centers around how OEMs implemented the Ryzen architecture into their motherboard designs rather than the wireless adapter card itself.


, I would generally not recommend purchasing a wireless adapter if you have a Ryzen based motherboard. This is a pretty motherboard specific type of error so your success will depend mostly on which specific MB you have - some work just fine, others see the watchdog error. 


 I would recommend using the exceptions return pathway we've created for affected customers if your motherboard is not working with the adapter. If any substantial updates occur, it would be the type of thing you'd see posted here and on popular VR channels such as Reddit. That said, reviewing your post history it seems like you have a unique case as you did not actually order the wireless adapter (but rather a DAS), and that you're not seeing the watchdog error we're tracking with Ryzen systems. It could be another permutation of the motherboard behaviors we're tracking, possibly driver related (but I'm doubtful given the steps you've taken), or the wired linkbox is still plugged in (which would throw up similar error logs). 

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Thanks for the reply . You're right, in that my wireless adapter was free (or near to it). I'd rather not bother with a return, though if I had paid full-price I surely would have by now.


The Watchdog violation did happen once. But it's mostly just Error 208. I've since done two fresh installs of Windows 10 (I do them about once a month) to no luck.


I originally tried it without the Link Box plugged in, but I plugged it in a couple months ago to on the advice of some forum posters - I'll try again tonight without the Link Box.


Thanks again!

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The adapter is designed to quickly allow you to switch from wireless to wired without having to uninstall the PCI-E card. If the linkbox has the HDMI lead plugged in, SteamVR will search for a wired HMD and not the wireless and display 208 if no wired unit is found. If the linkbox has only power and the USB leads plugged in, it will act as a bluetooth transciver for the watchman boards (i.e. it will be able to communciate with the basestations to enable bluetooth power management). 

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I'm pretty aware though I still appreciate the help. Here's my Friday night:

1. Move to install the latest DisplayLink drivers from their official website, I'm told I already have the latest drivers.

2. Move to install the latest SteamVR Beta and find that it too, is updated.

3. There's an update available for my BIOS, moving from v.4024 to v.4207 on the ASUS x370 Pro Prime.

4. Test. No luck. Error 208.

5. Unplug the LinkBox, removing all cables.


6. Disable the Power Management option across all list items under USB Hub Controller in Device Manager.

6. Test. No luck. Error 208.

7. Physically move my graphics card from the PCI-E 3.0 x16 #1 slot to the #2 slot. This opens up my PCI-E 2.0 x1 #1 & #2 slots for the Wireless Adapter. Previously it was in the #3 slot. According to the IRQ assignments in my motherboard manual, this should change it from Channel D to Channel C. See attachment.

8. Test. Still no luck.

9. Check out Steam VR settings. Try the usual things like enable/disable Direct Mode. No luck. I do notice that Steam VR very obviously can not see my GPU or GPU driver, much less the headset. Try to remember if this is new or not?


And before anyone asks, this is the second GPU I've tried with Wireless (1070Ti to RTX 2070) and the second fresh install of  Windows 10.

10. Google the internet for the 500th time looking for people suffering from a similar fate, find mostly my own posts. Give up. Decide to go back to playing Neverwinter Nights. See everybody in two more weeks.

Another note: Steam VR can see every other part of the Vive unit, besides the actual display, over wireless, and the display itself works over wired.

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Thanks for the reply! By any chance, would it be possible to get a list of which Ryzen motherboards are confirmed working or not working? Obviously, if the wireless adapter does work with my motherboard, I'd buy it right away. However, if it doesn't, then at least I could look into alternative motherboards still supporting my CPU or drop the idea of buying the adapter completely.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Adding another voice to the chat - have had my Vive for a year now and been waiting for a wireless adapter.  Just got it yesterday, installed the hardware and software and then - WATCHDOG CRASH.   Every Time I try it.  Here is my setup.  Guess I will be boxing it up and returning it.

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I DisplayLink and have the card in the only 1x slot I have (ASUS ROG B350-F Gaming), I was so happy because it appeared to be working but alas, after about 1 hour the computer froze (no bluescreen appear it just froze).


Last even errors:


The Oculus VR Library Service service terminated with the following service-specific error:
The access code is invalid.


which does seem like a common occurence because a lot of similiar events:

OVRServiceLauncher could not be found.


Anyone with better luck with ASUS ROG B350-F Gaming

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