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Vive Focus & Architectural Walkthroughs


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Hello! First time poster...

I have been very interested in the VR space for architectural walkthroughs for quite some time and a lot of companies have made this posible using the original Vive.... I guess what I have been waiting for is something untethered allowing people to walk significant distances in VR - The focus is perfect for this......


Anyone got any info on where I can start looking to bridge the gap between architectural software like Archicad and the Vive Focus?  Seems like a really logical progression for this industry.



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I'm also interested in this topic and planning to buy a couple of headsets for AEC design visualization.

I'm curious about how the device would work wirelessly as the resolution is the same crisp as it's on Vive pro. 



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Resolution is excellent, tracking for walkthroughs is brilliant. The controller tracking isn't great, but not necessairly needed for walkthroughs. Interested to sus out the 6dof add on when that is released to public. Looks amazing. 


Could currently do via riftcat if you really needed to but kind of defeats the purpose of being completely standalone and super portable. 


It will come, my hunch is Google will do something with sketchup VR first given their resources. We will see i guess!


If anyone else has an ideas or avenues to explore please share!

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