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Previously subscribed content remaining on disk


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I'm in the process of swapping drives around due to lack of disk space and I noticed that previously subscribed games that I didn't uninstall from Viveport do not appear at all in Viveport but still had all/most of the files remaining on disk.  This lead to about 50gb of space consumed of a 240gb SSD which is a substantial portion.  When the game hasn't been uninstalled, why does it no longer appear under another menu option of "No longer subscribed" or something like that so that we can uninstall it?  The long hexdecimal string of a folder name means it takes a long time to manually find the titles that remain.

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I've reached out the Viveport product and technical teams for feedback on how this flow should work - what you're describing certainly sounds frustrating. The hexidemical string relates to the app ID on the backend - it prevents conflicts between latin-based and character based languages (i.e. Mandarin). It corresponds to the store page i.e. bbbc73fc-b018-42ce-a049-439ab378dbc6 -> https://www.viveport.com/apps/bbbc73fc-b018-42ce-a049-439ab378dbc6 

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I understand the reasoning for the hexadecimal strings, but when the product keeps the files on disk it makes it frustrating trying to work out what every folder is and if it can be manually deleted due to it no longer appearing in Viveport.  If you get the devs to add a "No longer subscribed/disabled/etc" menu on the library where it still appears and gives the option to delete, that's all that's really needed and should be pretty easy to implement I would imagine?

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