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Vive Pro Wireless Adaptor for multiplayer experiences


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Hi Vibrant Nebula,


I want to open a new multiplayer attraction in a commercial location. I am considering Vive Pro with wireless adaptors, but in your post: https://community.viveport.com/t5/General-Vive-Discussion/Vive-pro-wireless-Connections-if-play-area-is-14-meter-from-the/td-p/22803 you mention that they "must be within the line of sight of each other". I plan to put the computer on top of the play area, but since it is multiplayer" there might be some occlusions for the signal. Is this going to cut the signal all together?


Do you reccommend the use of your wireless adaptor for multiplayer experiences?




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, In many ways, the wireless adapter is the best option for multiuser experinces because it eliminates the potential for the HMD's teather to trip people. 


Can you provide some additional info about your setup? If you're able to mount the PC above the playspace - that's actually the ideal way to maximize the range of your wireless adapters, especially if you're using a larger playspace with 2.0 tracking. What are the occlusion points you're concerned about? 


The key limitation is that you can only have 3 wireless adapters in a single LOS (i.e. a single room); otherwise it's fantastic for multiuser co-located VR. 

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