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How many Vives can run at once


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I am trying to get multiple vives set up for demo purposes and I need to know how to get more vives working. Do they need to be in seperate rooms? Or seperate lighthouses?   Also, are there any products avalaible for commercial usage of the vive pro? Such as washable inserts, etc?  
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Are we talking about the original Vive or Vive Pro? You can set up multiple Vives in the same playspace, but if you're intending to do something like an arcade or the like, you'll probably want to keep them all in their own rooms/cubicles for ideal performance.

VRcover  actually has a number of useful products for arcade-style needs.

Thank you,

-John C

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We are talking about the Vive Pro. The vision is to have a bunch of these in a muesum where guests can walk around in a virtual historical space such as a place like the tomb of Christ. 


Thank you for the VRcover recomendation by the way!


-Joe F

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