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Vive Pro blanks under load ...


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I am using the Vive Pro wireless together with ParaView (www.paraview.org), a software for visualizing scientific data, in my case climate data. Under heavy load, volume rendering of a large cloud data set, the VR display switches to a light blue backgound. This stays as long as the load is high and the frame rate low. If I look into a different direction, the googles show the normal view, but blank again, if the frame rate drops. If I mirror the view, I can see that the fault is within the VR googles, the application delivers. I don't mind having low frame rates. I tried all settings I can think of to change this, nothing helped. Does anybody know how to use the googles even in low frame rates? This might have changed due to a firmware update, but I am not sure.

Any help is apprecciated.

Thanks and Cheers,


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