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Viveport SDK issues - What am I doing wrong?


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Yes, it was helpful, and I think I correctly implemented the code for the app to quit when it hits onfailure as Yaking suggested, but he didn't suggest anything further.


I do not know when this would occur in a real situation so I have no way of testing it. I don't know how a reviewer would test the apk.


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using Viveport;public class VivePortDRMChecker : MonoBehaviour{    static string VIVEPORT_ID = "";    static string VIVEPORT_KEY = "";    // Use this for initialization    void Start()    {               Api.Init(InitStatusHandler, VIVEPORT_ID);               }    private static void InitStatusHandler(int nResult)    {                Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Init(): " + nResult);              if (nResult != 0)        {            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Init setup error ...");                     // Handle error            Api.Shutdown(ShutdownHandler);        }        Api.GetLicense(new MyLicenseChecker(), VIVEPORT_ID, VIVEPORT_KEY);           }    class MyLicenseChecker : Api.LicenseChecker    {        public override void OnSuccess(long issueTime, long expirationTime, int latestVersion,                                       bool updateRequired)        {            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] issueTime: " + issueTime);            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] expirationTime: " + expirationTime);            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] latestVersion: " + latestVersion);            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] updateRequired: " + updateRequired);            // Do more things        }        public override void OnFailure(int errorCode, string errorMessage)        {            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] errorCode: " + errorCode);            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] errorMessage: " + errorMessage);            Api.Shutdown(ShutdownHandler);        }    }    private static void ShutdownHandler(int nResult)    {                Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Shutdown(): " + nResult);        if (nResult != 0)        {            // Handle error                  Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Shutdown error ...");            Application.Quit();        }        // Do something        // Do more things          Application.Quit();    }  }


Should I submit this code as is? 


Is there anybody at HTC that ...like...knows how to do this and confirm this is the approach I should take?


Telling me what I'm doing wrong is sort of helpful. I want to know how to do it right and the documentation is pretty sparse. The documentation presents a half-finished example:  https://developer.viveport.com/documents/sdk/en/api_drm.html

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Yes, I received your e-mail.


  told me what I was doing wrong but did not offer any suggestions.


The documentation is sparse, but I think I stumbled my way through to the solution.


I implemented the code as follows:


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using Viveport;public class VivePortDRMChecker : MonoBehaviour{    static string VIVEPORT_ID = "";    static string VIVEPORT_KEY = "";    // Use this for initialization    void Start()    {               Api.Init(InitStatusHandler, VIVEPORT_ID);               }    private static void InitStatusHandler(int nResult)    {                Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Init(): " + nResult);        if (nResult != 0)        {            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Init setup error ...");                // Handle error            Api.Shutdown(ShutdownHandler);        }        Api.GetLicense(new MyLicenseChecker(), VIVEPORT_ID, VIVEPORT_KEY);           }    class MyLicenseChecker : Api.LicenseChecker    {        public override void OnSuccess(long issueTime, long expirationTime, int latestVersion,                                       bool updateRequired)        {            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] issueTime: " + issueTime);            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] expirationTime: " + expirationTime);            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] latestVersion: " + latestVersion);            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] updateRequired: " + updateRequired);            // Do more things        }        public override void OnFailure(int errorCode, string errorMessage)        {            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] errorCode: " + errorCode);            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] errorMessage: " + errorMessage);            Api.Shutdown(ShutdownHandler);        }    }    private static void ShutdownHandler(int nResult)    {              Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Shutdown(): " + nResult);        if (nResult != 0)        {            // Handle error            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Shutdown error ...");            Application.Quit();        }        // Do something        // Do more things        Application.Quit();    }  }

I don't know if this is accurate. I don't know how to test it to make it fail. When I tried to make it fail by putting the wrong key in I received a strange error message and the app failed to shutdown. I suspect my test is not the proper way to test the failure.


Should I submit the apk with the code above? Is there anyone at HTC that can provide further guidance? 


Thank you.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the response  

Here's my error:

E/Unity: AndroidJavaException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: java.lang.RuntimeException: error:0c0000af:ASN.1 encoding routines:OPENSSL_internal:TOO_LONG    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: java.lang.RuntimeException: error:0c0000af:ASN.1 encoding routines:OPENSSL_internal:TOO_LONG        at com.htc.store.licensing._LicenseChecker.generatePublicKey(LicenseChecker.java:383)        at com.htc.store.licensing._LicenseChecker.<init>(LicenseChecker.java:351)        at com.htc.store.licensing.LicenseChecker.<init>(LicenseChecker.java:63)        at com.htc.store.licensing.ViveportSDK_DRM_Adapter.getLicense(ViveportSDK_DRM_Adapter.java:72)        at com.htc.viveport.Api.getLicense(Api.java:60)        at com.unity3d.player.ReflectionHelper.nativeProxyInvoke(Native Method)        at com.unity3d.player.ReflectionHelper.a(Unknown Source)        at com.unity3d.player.ReflectionHelper$1.invoke(Unknown Source)        at java.lang.reflect.Proxy.invoke(Proxy.java:813)    	at $Proxy6.onResult(Unkno...
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Hey  ,

Sure, here are the parts connected to GetLicense. As you can see I call Init in Awake(), then upon success I call GetLicense in InitStatusHandler() using LicenseChecker.

I get the same error on the account that the app is on and a different account that shouldn't have a license. And I'm using the correct app id and app key because I have IAP working properly.

    private void Awake()    {        if (instance == null)        {            instance = this;        }        else if (instance != this)        {            Destroy(gameObject);        }        DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject);        mListener = new Result();        Api.Init(InitStatusHandler, IAP_APP_ID);    }    private static void InitStatusHandler(int nResult)    {        instance.Log("InitStatusHandler: " + nResult);        if (nResult != 0)        {            Viveport.Core.Logger.Log("Init setup error ...");            // Handle error            Api.Shutdown(ShutdownStatusHandler);        }        Api.GetLicense(new LicenseChecker(), IAP_APP_ID, IAP_APP_KEY);    }    class LicenseChecker : Api.LicenseChecker    {        public override void OnSuccess(long issueTime, long expirationTime, int latestVersion,                                      bool updateRequired)        {            instance.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] issueTime: " + issueTime);            instance.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] expirationTime: " + expirationTime);            instance.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] latestVersion: " + latestVersion);            instance.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] updateRequired: " + updateRequired);            // Do more things        }        public override void OnFailure(int errorCode, string errorMessage)        {            instance.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] errorCode: " + errorCode);            instance.Log("[MyLicenseChecker] errorMessage: " + errorMessage);            //Application.Quit();        }    }
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