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HTC Vive Display Freeze and SteamVR Freeze


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So ever since I got my headset (HTC Vive) I have been experiencing multiple issues regarding the headsets display freezing, steamVR randomly crashes and HTC Vive's display freezing. This has been very very annoying for me since I've tried to contact steam about this and HTC Vive support about 10-15 times now with no luck and no solution provided. 


All the error messages I've experienced so far:

Fatal error D3D Device was removed due to DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG, this usually indicates a bad device driver or may indicate bad hardware. Big picture must exit.


A key component of SteamVR isn't working properly (308/301)


Error(306) "Shared IPC Compositor Connect Failed
Keep in mind I have contacted Vive support about 15 times with no luck



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